Chapter 3

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I woke up to the chatter of girls in the morning, talking about how fit some of the boys and Gilderoy Lockheart are. Sighing, I rose from my bed and went straight into the shower, washing away my nerves of the day.

What if the lessons are too hard?

Questions swarmed around my head and I couldn't think straight so I got changed as quick as I could so I could visit my dad.

I grabbed my bag from the bottom of my bed and put my wand in my hand and went out the common room, bumping into someone very familiar. "Watch where your going!" He hissed, making me jump back, he realised it was me and he didn't look as angry.

"You better go to the Great Hall and get something to eat" he said then leaned over and whispered "be good." I laughed and skipped away, which I knew would irriate him to no end. Before I entered the Great Hall I saw Hermione and her friends. One with ginger hair and one with black and glasses. "Hey Hermione!"

She turned into my direction and gave me a quick hug. "Juliet, this is Ronald Weasley" She pointed to the ginger one who I shook hands with. "And this is Harry Potter" I looked at the other one and he had the brightest of green eyes. "I like your eyes" I blurted out.

He looked confused then chuckled, "You're very different!" He said as a shugged my shoulders.

Hermione carried on. "And this boys, is Juliet, Snape Slytherin!"

"SNAPE!" Both of them said shocked.

"And a SLYTHERIN?" Ron said stupidly. "Obviously Ron, her tie is Green" She rolled her eyes.

"We have a free lesson, at 2, meet us at the black lake?" Hermione asked, I nodded and said my goodbyes, then headed to the Slytherin Table next to Draco. "Why the hell are you talking to Scarhead, Bloodtraitor and the Mudblood?" I turned to my cousin and gave him a very evil glare "Hey! They are nice!" He shook his head at me and rubbed to top of my head. "I'll never understand you Jules" Pansy, Blaise and the rest of them mumured an agreement and I just laughed at them, these house rivialries are very stupid.

My father magically sent the timetables out to each person and I had: Transfiguration, with Gryffindor, Charms with Ravenclaw, History of magic with Hufflepuff, free lesson and Potions with Gryffindor. I grabbed a piece of toast and walked to Transfiguration, not bothering to say goodbye to them. I was very early to the lesson so I took a seat on the middle row and took out out a quill and my text book. Not long after my arrival. I heard a well known voice behind me. "On time Juliet" I smiled and turned to see Minnie and gave her a massive hug. I knew I couldn't call her Minnie in front of everyone else though. She is a very close family friend, I guess shes one of my dad's s only friends to be honest.

"You are going to excel in my class Juliet, I just know it" she said, she said it quite bossily, I knew she wouldn't let it go if I didn't excel this subject. The children walked into the classroom so she walked to the front and Hermione came at sat next to me.

She smiled and put her books down on the table, 'she smells of strawberries' I thought to myself. Ron and Harry sat next to her with frustrated faces and Draco and Blaise sat on my side, giving their signature evil smirks, very awkward if you ask me.

We are asked to change our quill into a Goblet, easy peasy for me and Hermione, maybe not for everyone else. We did it almost instantly. Gaining 20 points for both Gryffindor and Slytherin. Draco looked pretty pleased im doing his house well for the first day, he put is arm around me, in a brotherly protective way.

Not long afterwards it was free period, so I ran to the black lake as fast as I could, the sun was still shining bright in the sky and there was a breeze pulling me backwards, the trio were already there and Harry was talking about a detention.

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