I Can't do This.

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"Kaylee, Kaylee wake up." Someone whisper but I don't know who it is, but all I know Is I don't wanna wake up. Finally someone shakes me really hard and I open my eyes.

"What?" I moan, realizing it was Crystal.
"It's time for me to go to the airport." She says sitting on the side of the bed.
I realized that she actually has to leave me, and summer is almost over.

"Why are you leaving me?" I ask fake crying.
"Girl summer is almost over and you'll see me in college." I finally sit up.

"Lemme get dressed and I'll drive you to the airport."

We get into the car and drive off, our ride was full of laughs and singing.
"I'm gonna miss you girl." I say as I pull up in the drop off place.

"I love you girl, see you soon." Crystal says, gives me a side hug and gets out.
"Love ya too."

I drive back in silence feeling bad about how she had to leave.

Baller💙- Where are you? I'm at your house?

Kay❤- Sorry Crystal needed a ride to the airport.

Baller💙- Oh, didn't know. See you soon?

Kay❤- Okay.

Drake came on and that made me happy. I arrived back home and Klay was sitting on my step. For some reason I didn't feel like seeing him or anyone right now. He stands up as I turn off my car.

"Hey baby." He says going in for a hug, I just stand there still. "What's wrong?" He asks his eyes filling with concern.

"I'm just sad that summers over." I look down at my feet hoping he would leave me alone.

"There's something else, what is it?" I knew Klay would figure something else was bugging me, but I didn't care for the first time in forever I wasn't going tell him what was wrong.

"Can I be alone, please?" I find the courage to look up at him, and see that it might take some convincing. Klay studies my face trying to figure out if it would be smart enough to leave me alone.

"Only if you text me later, okay?" Klay finally says, I nod my head in agreement. I walk past him and into my house, I breath a sigh of relief and head up to my bedroom. I fall asleep quickly, and I know I just woke up but with all this stress I was still tired.

I wake up two hours later and text Klay; otherwise, he'll be banging on my door.

Kay❤- Hey sorry I fell asleep, but I'm good now.

Baller🏀- Hey baby, I'm worried about you, are you sure your okay?

Kay❤- Yes I'm fine, I'm going through a lot right now.

Baller🏀- Can I come over?

Kay❤- Yea.

I figure just get it over with now. I felt like he was here in 5 seconds because my doorbell was ringing. I quickly walk down and let him in, he hugs which I didn't want to admit but it felt good.

"What's wrong baby girl, you can tell me." I was going through my own personal problems and I didn't want to share them with him.

"Klay I'm fine." I say and I push him away slightly, he looks hurt by my sudden action.

"Your obviously not, Kaylee why are you pushing me away." Klay says his voice full of concern, and he tries to grab my hand.

"Klay, I'm just going through some stuff and with you wanting to be near me every second of every day is annoying the hell out of me." I really didn't want to say it but I did, and I can see I really shouldn't of my the look on his face.

"Your saying I'm to clingy?" He whispers trying to hide his hurt.

"Yes that is what I'm saying, I'm sorry but it's true. Ever since I've come back you've always somehow been near me." I didn't even realize it but tears where flooding down my face.

"That's because I love you." He whispers.

"Klay, I'm a busy person I don't have time for you." I think I pulled a string because he started to have tears in his eyes, and then he walks out. I wanted to go after him and tell him I didn't Mean it, but I didn't have to courage to open the door. I slowly fall to the floor and cry, I know had no one. Crystal was gone, Mychel was gone, and now I just lost Klay. I had to go back to school, I don't have anything left, except my mom. I knew she would be home soon so I headed up to my room and cried.

I started packing, I didn't care I was going back. I grabbed all my suitcases and packed everything I needed, I didn't care if I was packing to much I wasn't gonna come home again. I knew this was wrong but all of this stuff was blocking me from my life goal, and I couldn't have that.

"Honey, do you-. What are you doing?" My mom comes barging into my room, her eyes looked worried.

"I'm heading back to campus, I'm sorry but I can't stay here anymore." I don't look at her, if I did I think I'd break down.

"Why? I thought everything was going good." My mom says trying to grab my hand, I pull away.

"Well it's not I don't have anyone, and I'm forgetting my real goal in life. I can't have anymore distractions." Tears were brimming in my eyes as I looked at my mom's hurt face.

"Baby what happened?" She brushed hair out of my face, and that's when I break down. I'm taller then her but I shrink down and sit on my bed and just break down letting it all out.

"Momma I can't do this anymore." I barely get out as my voice cracks, and it's barely audible.

"Shh it's going to be okay. Just tell me what's wrong." She whispers to me, she's always been the one to calm me down. I explain the story to her, and she doesn't comment on anything she just listens.

"Maybe basketball should be put on the back burner right now, your under a lot of stress and anxiety. You have to deal with your problems you can't run away from them, that's not the way I raised you." My dear mom says.

"I can't put basketball on the back burner, it's what my life goal has been since I was like 3. Besides, I have a shot at being something big, I don't wanna lose that. My problems will be solved when I get my to BU." I finish.

"I'll support you no matter what." She says rubbing my back. "I'll be here for you, always."

"Thanks mom."

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