Uh Oh.

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Basketball started and I'm officially focused, Crystal is now with me and I couldn't be more happier about that. I told her everything that was going on since she left, and she was shocked. Surprisingly she wasn't upset when I told her about Mychel and me talking again. We've both been busy though, she's in track and I'm in basketball.

"Seriously Kaylee, just take a break." Crystal says as I was about to leave for the gym again. "I made us dinner." I really should've been a good friend and stayed, but I was fat enough.

"I'll cut it short, but I gotta go." She looks sad but nods her head. I jog to the gym and meet up with Alex. "You ready?" I ask him as he open the door for me.

"Always." He smiles at me, and we do our usually routine together. We stay and chat after we finish up and by the time we finish, I was already an hour late. I ran back to my dorm and when I entered Crystal already cleaned up and went to sleep. I felt bad. stop pushing everyone away.

The next morning was a normal day wake up and run, go to classes, go to the gym, maybe eat a granola bar, and then do homework.

"Kay have you eaten anything today?" Alex asks me, I shake my head no. "Kaylee it's 5 o'clock at night." I shrug my shoulders. "This isn't good, are you starving yourself?"

"Of course not, I'm not even hungry." I shake it off. I go back to doing leg work.

"I'm not joking right now Kaylee, I can even tell you losing weight." I stop and look at him for a minute. why do you care? the skinnier I am the better.

"I ain't either, don't get your panties in a twist." I snap at him. He shuts up after that, which I'm thankful for. We do what we need to do and I leave. I was annoyed he had no right to judge me, I know he was worried but it's my body I can do what I want with it. When I get back to the dorm I go straight to my room and do homework. That's basically been my life for the school months.

"Alright guys this is the championship!  All our nothing!" our coaches yell at us as we're in the huddle. This was the goal we were here playing against a top team. It was all or nothing! Crystal was here in the crowd and we were nervous, but we've practice everyday for this. This was my moment to shine. We destroyed them the final score was 116 to 89. I didn't know I could be this happy all this hard work counted, and I was blessed. We went back to the locker room to change for the medal ceremony, and trophy. When everyone was ready we went out together and the crowd cheered. wow I could get use to this. We got our medals as the announcer said our names and how many points we made. Finally the trophy was handed out and it was amazing.

"You did it!" Crystal screams as we walk out of the building. "How does it feel?" She asks wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"Pretty damn good." I say trying to wipe the smile off my face but can't. "We should go out and celebrate." I add, getting into the passenger seat of her car.

"Yas one of my friends told me about this one place, and said it was bomb." Crystal says turning on the car.

"Well let's go." I say smiling over to her, after I grabbed the Aux cord. "Drake?" I say/ask, looking at her she quickly nods her head. I turn on 'If Your Reading This it's to Late.' My favorite album of his so far. Crystal told me that she asked her friend for the address, which she was getting right now. I was her eyes for she was clearly looking down at her phone, it didn't matter no one was around us. We were pulling up to a stop sign, and I told her to stop but she didn't. Before I knew it I say headlights coming straight at me, and boom everything went black.

Third person POV
If only Crystal would've listened to Kaylee this wouldn't of happened. Crystal's phone fell out of her hand has she felt the impact, and it was hard. Kaylee's head hit hard and on glass and was instantly passed out. They were hit by a semi- truck. Crystal on the other hand felt everything, she felt the car flipping 3 times, them falling into the ditch, and her feeling her femur breaking. She couldn't believe how much blood was pouring out of Kaylee's head and her arm. Crystal couldn't think clearly, she was so worried about Kaylee, she started crying. What happens if Kaylee dies, she would've lost everything. Finally Crystal couldn't think straight and she passed out as well.

Crystal's POV
I heard this terrible beeping sound that I wanted to stop. I opened my eyes and a light was so bright I had to close them again. I finally got use to it and looked around I saw my mom and dad sitting down, I tried to speak but failed.

"Oh my God, my baby girl are you alright?!" Both of my parents came rushing toward me. I try and nod my head but it hurt to much. "It's okay, you don't have to talk we're just thankful your alive." My mom says kissing my head.

"H- How's K-ay-lee." I get out coughing slightly. My parents share a glance with each other.

"Honey she's in a coma, she broke her arm, and the doctors say with as strong as a blow to the head she got hit by, she could wake up with amnesia." My mother says tears brimming her eyes. "I'm sorry."

"N-no this C-an't happen." I get out as I start crying. "This is my fa-ult." My parents tried to give me comfort but nothing worked, what happened if she woke up forgetting who I was.  I couldn't believe this, and then it hit me, my dream! That made me cry even more I couldn't believe I forgot we even said we wouldn't go out.

"Honey it's going to be okay, she's in good hands." My dad says to me in a soothing voice. I should be the one in a come she should be awake and already healing.

"Is her family here?" I ask quietly. My parents both nod their head. "Can I see them?" I needed to apologize they probably hate me. My parents look at each other whisper in each others ears.

"We don't think that's a good idea, at least not right now." I knew it they hated me, they would never forgive me.

Third person POV
In Kaylee's room everyone was there. Her mom, Klay, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Mychel, and Trayce. Everyone sat in silence secretly praying that she would wake up, they didn't know they Crystal woke up but soon enough they would. When Klay heard the news he cried and he couldn't stop, all of the Thompsons cried, everyone loved Kaylee. Alex didn't show up yet, but he was on his way. No one knew what to do but just sit there and wait. They got a hotel right next store to the hospital just in case anything happened, but Klay would never leave her side.

Klay's POV
It was a normal day, except we had our basketball tournament. It was tough but we won! All of us were gonna go and get turnt. We were out partying when I saw that Kaylee's mom was Kaylee me, I was concerned so I quickly stepped into a quiet room and answered it.

"Hello." I say trying to sound sober. I could tell she was sniffling, "Mrs. Vega, what's wrong?" When I asked that she instantly started sobbing.

"Klay, dear Kaylee got into a terrible car accident. The paramedics called me and they don't know if she'll make it, she's in a come with a broken arm and a bad blow to the head." She kept sobbing and I didn't realize it but silent tears where falling down my face. I didn't know what to say or do I was in total shock.

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