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"Look babe we need to talk." Those were the first words Klay said to me. I just nodded my head hoping it wasn't anything too serious. "I know we've been serious for a while and I've loved every single moment, but we need to break up." When those words came out of his mouth I didn't believe it. We had been best friends since K4 and started dating in freshman year.
"Okay." Was all I could say, I didn't feel like crying in front of him I felt....... numb.
"I hope we can still be friends." That's when I wanted to slap him. How the hell does he want me to be friends?
"I don't think so. Lose my number and never talk to me again." I walk away from him and walk home.
I finally let the tears fall, I get home and go straight to my bed and cry myself asleep.

The next day all I did was cry, eat, sleep, and watch tv. I know, pathetic but it's not the feeling of losing a boyfriend but losing a best friend, that was tuff. I should've asked him why but I really was thinking clearly. But as my momma always told me, all good things must come to an end at some point. Maybe it was because we're going to different colleges. We both always wanted to be basketball stars. Klay has a better chance, of course because of his father, and well, no one in my family had been famous.
But I want that to change.
Big time........

Present Day
I wake up to my alarm clock set for 5:00 am. My morning routine is an hour of running, get in the shower, try and eat something healthy and head to Monday basketball practice. I go to Baylor University, my dream college.

Practice consists of a lot of running, weights, dribbling, defensive stance, and more running. But I've gotten use to it by now.
When practice is done we go the our regularly classes, after another shower, of course. I have math, science, history, literature, sometimes physical education.
Then I go back to my dorm to do some homework and that's when I like to eat and go to the gym for leg work. I know you think I go to the gym a lot, but I have nothing better to do. I don't have a boyfriend and my friends are just partying.

People's favorite words: Summer Vacation.
I get to go home for a little bit, thank the Lord.
I get back to California and wait for my mom to come pick me up.
It's good to be back, except when I see what I wasn't expecting. Klay Thompson is back.
I mentally screamed. I saw my mom look at me. When we park I don't look but I can tell he's looking at me. I just walk in my house and go straight to my room.

I wake up the next day, shower, dress in some Nike shirt and shorts, throw on my Jordans and head out for a run. When I need to get my mind off things I run.
When I get back on my block, I start walking to my house. Lucky for me, Klay was outside as well.
"Hey Kaylee, can we talk?" He walks across the street. I keep walking faster trying to get to my house. He grabs my arm slightly, I stop.
"What do you want?" I turn around looking him in the eye.
"How have you been?" He asks scratching the back of his neck.
"I've been fine. You?" I cut it short, well try to.
"Good. How's school?" He asks again.
"What do you want Klay? I know you're not here for small talk." I'm annoyed.
"I miss you. My best friend."
"It's too late for that." I walk away and go to my house.
I get into the shower, after that I put on some shorts and a flowing tank top, get something to eat and go tan by my pool.

A couple days later the Thompsons know I'm back in town and invite us over for dinner. Take me now!
I wear blue jeans and a white flowing tank top. My mom knocks and Klay opens the door.
"Hello Ms. Vega, Kaylee." We walk in and it smells really good.
"Wow Klay you have really grown up. Haven't seen you in ages." My mom hugs him. I just want to go back home.
"Kay can we please talk." I hate when he gives me a nickname stop lying you love it.
"5 minutes." I say and walk with him to his room. When I get there it almost looks exactly the same since the last time I've seen him. He's taken some stuff down.
"Can we just try and be friends." I really didn't want to because I think I would fall for him again, or he would hurt me.
"Fine. One chance. If you fail, never talk to me again. Deal?" I put my hand out in front of him. He shakes it and smiles.
"It won't happen." I roll my eyes and when I try and let go, he pulls me close to him for a hug. We stay there for a while, and I'll admit I missed his hugs.
Well let's see where this goes.

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