We're Good.

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I didn't feel like getting out of bed, but Crystal really wanted to go to the beach and tan. I finally agreed to go, and she invited Mychel along: I think after that they've grown closer.

I didn't take a shower because I decided I'd take one after. I wear a colorful 2 piece with a lot of different designs. Crystal wears a one piece that has the sides cut off.

We decided to take Mychel's truck so he could fit his surfboard in it. He said he would show me some rad moves, I just laughed.

When we got there we found our own little spot, got settled in, and went straight for the water.
I do have to say that Mychel was pretty good at surfing, but I honestly think he was doing it to show off.
'So why don't you like mychel?' Crystal asks as we're laying down and tanning.
'I just see him as like my best friend.' I say. I hear her gasp.
'Nuh Uh I'm your best friend.' I laugh.
'I know, but he's like my guy best friend.'
'You wouldn't even try and see where a relationship would go?' I figured she was asking these questions from last night.
'I already know it wouldn't work.' Out of the corner of my eye I see her sit up, and I turn my head toward her.
'Your keeping something from me. I know because I see the way you look at Mychel.' She's right.
'I still have feelings for Klay.' I say looking away.
'I knew it! Has anything happened between you guys when you've seen him?' I nod my head in shame.
'We may have kissed a few times.' She screams quietly, as she puts her face in her hands.
'Girl your so stupid.' I nod my head agreeing with her, she is right. We see Mychel running towards us and instantly drops the conversation.
'You guys hungry? Cuz I'm hungry let's go get food.' We laugh slightly at Mychel as he reaches for his towel that next to me. He leans almost over me, and when I look over our faces our basically touching. We stay like that for a minute, but I quickly move away.

We head over to this little tiki bar, that sold burgers and stuff. We quickly order one by one, me and Mychel order the same thing. Cheeseburger and fries.

When we finish eating I decide to head into the water. Once I was in about chest high water Mychel came and stood next to me.
'Hey.' I say looking up at him.
'Crystal is really nice, she's a good friend.' Mychel says.
'Yea she's great.' I answer.
'We'll always be good right?' He asks. I nod my head. He wraps his arms around me pulling me closer.
'I do wish things could be different Mychel I do, but their not.' I say quietly.
'Yea I know, it's just hard seeing you love someone else.' Mychel says.
'I do love you Mychel but not the way you want me too. I'm sorry for that.'
'It's fine.' We stay in silence after that.

After awhile the sun starts to set and it's time to go. Mychel and I walk back to Crystal who was listening to music.
'You ready?' I ask her. She pulls her earphones out and nods.
We get back home and go our separate ways.

'What did you and Mychel talk about?' She asks.
'Fine if you don't wanna tell me fine.' I could tell she was mad. I just want something between me and him for once.

The next day I wake up to my doorbell ringing. I quickly run downstairs and see its Klay.
'What do you want?' I ask.
'It's my mom.' I could tell he was scared and I was close to his family so I was instantly worried.
'Is she okay? What happen?' I let him in and I start walking upstairs to tell Crystal I have to go.
'Last night she was coming home and some drunk guy hit her.' I stop and look at him seeing tears where in his eyes. I hug him tightly because I know he needs it.

I woke crystal up telling her it was An emergency and I had to go, she was fine with it. I got dressed in whatever and Klay drove us to the hospital.

When we get there we find the room she's in and I see his dad and his brothers. I run into Mychel's arms right away, telling him everything would be okay.
I then hug trayce. I say hi to Mr. Thompson.

Apparently they had to do surgery, so we were sitting waiting for what the doctor would say.
When the doctor came everyone stood up, it was an instinct to hold Klay's hand.
'Julie is okay, but we'll keep her for a couple days to make sure the surgery has gone well.' We all take a sigh of relief. I squeeze Klay's hand making sure he knows I'm here for him.

There was nothing we could do but wait for Julie to wake up. We've been there for about 2 hours.

'Hey you want to get something good to eat?' I knew hospital food was never good and everyone was hungry. Klay contemplates because he doesn't want to leave, but his stomach growling tells him it's alright to go.
'Yea sure.' We ask what everyone wants so we decide to go and get something from cousin subs.

'Thank you Kaylee for being here, I know we're not on the best terms.' Klay says as he drives.
'Klay I'm putting that behind right now, I know how much your mom means to you, and she's like a second mom to me. So of course I'm gonna be here for you. Even if we're not together you'll always be my bestfriend.' I honestly say looking at him. He smiles and grabs my hand.
'Thank you so much Kay you don't know how much that means to me.' I smile back.

Once we got all the food we drive back in peaceful silence. I think me and Klay are growing closer, because we've always been there for each other through thick and thin.

'Kaylee can I talk to you for a minute?' Mr. Thompson asks me. I nod my head and sit up from Klay's shoulder.

'I just wanna thank you for being here for the boys especially Klay. I know how close you are to us and I can see that you just being here is helping them through this. I also know what's happening between you and Klay, but I won't start with that. Thank you Kaylee I really appreciate it.' I smile and hug him.
'I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.' He smiles and we walk back to the room.

It was getting really late and I could tell everyone was tired. I was trying not to fall asleep and Klay's shoulder but it was hard not to. He gave my his sweatshirt because I got cold, and he's really warm.
'Kaylee.' I hear him whisper I quickly sit up thinking I missed something.
'Yes?' I say looking around, everyone was still where they were before.
'You wanna leave, so we can get some sleep and head back here early tomorrow?' I think about it, and my eyes were about to close again.
'Yea sure.' We stay our goodbyes and leave. Surprisingly I don't fall asleep in the car.

'Kaylee.' I was about to get out of the car and go to my house, but I stopped.
'What's up?'
'Can you sleep with me tonight?' I'm kinda surprised. 'Like not like that I just don't wanna be alone right now.' I smile and nod my head.
'Let me go get my stuff and I'll be right back.' I say as I finally leave the car.

I use my key for his house and I let myself up to his room. By the time I get there he's already laying down in his bed. I lay next to him facing him.

'We can get through this.' I say that because I could see he was holding back tears. He then starts to slowly cry and I move over and wrap my arms around him, he does the same.

'What if she doesn't wake up?' He asks trying to calm himself down.
'She will she's a strong woman.' I rub his back slightly.
'Yea she is.' We stay like that for a minute. 'Kaylee.'
'I love you.' When he says that I get tears of my own.
'I love you too.' 

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