Chapter 8

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Blake was laying on the table, staring at the ceiling. Whenever Cinder left the room she would tie her down to the table. Cinder had left a few hours ago and she still hadn't come back.

Bruises, cuts, and burns covered her body. Whenever she did anything, Cinder would hurt her. After about a week of this, Blake started listening to everything Cinder said. She was very cautious with her actions because she didn't want herself to be hurt or worse, Yang be hurt. She was terrified of the woman, she still had no idea why she had been taken.

After a few more minutes, Cinder entered the room. She undid Blake's restraints. "Stand up," she commanded. Instantly, Blake stood up in front of her. Cinder grinned and grabbed Blake's chin, forcing her to make eye contact with her. "I could kill you right now."

"I-I know..." she said quietly, she was terrified. Her heart was pounding as the woman stared menacingly into her eyes.

"Who do you belong to?"



Cinder grinned, it took awhile but now she had the girl exactly where she wanted her. She had hurt her to the point where Blake would do anything she told her to do. Suddenly, she knocked the girl to the ground, smirking when the girl didn't even try to defend herself. She kicked Blake in the side repeatedly. Blake let out a quiet groan and closed her eyes tightly. She slammed her foot into her side one last time before stepping back. "Get up," she ordered the girl and watched as she quickly stood up, "I have a mission for you."

The girl looked up at Cinder. "What is it...?" she asked quietly.

"I need you to go into Vale and pick up some supplies. Here's the list." She handed the girl the list, "if you fail there will be consequences. Go."

The girl nodded quickly, "I understand." She walked out the door and began making her way to the city.

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