Chapter 24- The "Happy" Ending

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Blake watched in horror as the woman walked towards her and Yang. She tried to get up, but she ended up falling back to the ground. "S-stay away!" She exclaimed as she looked back at her partner. Yang was lying on her back, gasping for air. Thankfully, she was conscious. Her eyes widened as Cinder walked past her and over to the blonde. "No! Leave her alone!" Blake cried out and reached out for Yang.


Cinder didn't listen to the girl's pleas as she approached the blonde haired girl. The girl's eyes were wide open as she laid there, trying to breathe properly. She crouched down beside the girl and grinned. "You have a habit of getting in the way, don't you," the woman said in a menacing voice, "I guess this time I'll have to make sure to get rid of you, permanently." Cinder felt the other girl clawing at her ankles so she turned her attention to her and kicked her away, glaring. The dark haired girl whimpered and clutched her side in pain. The woman grabbed Yang's neck and slowly began lifting her off the ground. Yang gasped for air and began digging her nails into the woman's hands. Cinder glared at her and slammed her into the wall. "Don't." Her eyes narrowed. "Or I will make this more painful than it has to be."

Yang glared back at the woman and used all the strength she had to kick her. The woman fell back and Yang dropped to the ground, gasping for breath. After a few moments, she rushed over to Blake's side and began to pick her up. "C'mon kitty cat, let's go." She took a few steps and then stopped abruptly, dropping her teammate. Yang coughed, blood dripped from her mouth as she looked down. She watched as the blade was pulled out and then she was knocked to the ground, blood pouring from the wound. Blake reached out for her, but Cinder kicked Yang away, rage burning in her eyes.


Suddenly, the elevator door opened and the other members of Team Ruby stepped out. Blake looked back at them and then to where the woman had been, but she was gone. Without hesitation, Blake rushed to Yang's side and hugged her tightly. "Yang? Yang?" She cried as she embraced her teammate.

Yang's eyes fluttered open and she placed a hand on Blake's face. Her chest was covered in blood and the pain was visible in her eyes. She opened her mouth as if to speak but just ended up coughing up blood.

Blake looked down at her and wiped the blood from Yang's face. "Shhh... don't talk... y-you'll be okay."

"I-I'll go get a doctor!" Weiss said quickly as she rushed down the hallway.

Ruby dropped to her knees beside Blake and stared at Yang. "Y-Yang?" She reached out for her older sister and Blake moved out of the way so Ruby could hold her. The small girl placed Yang's head on her lap and stared at her with fear in her eyes. She began whispering to Yang quietly as she cried.

Blake looked away from the sisters and began to sob. She covered her face with her hands and sat against the wall. This was all her fault-

"Yang? YANG?!" Ruby's screams pulled Blake back to reality. The girl stared at her sister in fear.

Quickly, Blake rushed over to her side and looked down at her partner. Yang was no longer gasping for breath...she was completely silent and still. Blake covered her mouth and shook her head. This couldn't be happening.

Weiss finally returned with a doctor running behind her. "I got a doctor-" she stopped in her tracks when she saw her teammates. "No..."

The doctor ran over and crouched down next to the girls. He frowned as he looked at Yang. "I'm...sorry..."

Tears flowed from her eyes as she stared at her blonde haired partner. She looked over at the team leader, she hadn't said anything in awhile. The girl's eyes were wide open as she set her sister down gently. "Ruby... I'm so sor-" she was cut off by the girl hugging her tightly. Blake hesitantly hugged her back. At some point, Weiss joined her teammates in the hug. The three sat there crying together for awhile.

"Yang, I'll always love you..."


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