Chapter 17

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Yang sat in the library attempting to get caught up on her homework. It had been almost a week since she last got to talk to Blake. She sighed and leaned back in her chair. She was having trouble focusing, she was too worried about her partner.

The doctors had managed to get Blake's heart beating again, but she hadn't woken up since then. Nobody was allowed to visit Blake until she woke up, that is if she even wakes up. Yang laid her head down on the table and sighed, she really missed her partner. After she nearly fell asleep, her scroll went off causing her to bolt up. She picked up her scroll and looked at it, it was a message from Weiss. Her heart was pounding as she went to open the message. Once she read it she jumped out of her seat and ran out of the library, making her way to where her partner was staying. She had finally woken up.

The blonde could barely contain her excitement, this was the first time all week that she would get to see Blake. Everyone had been worried sick about her, both teams RWBY and JNPR have been waiting for their friend to wake up. Yang sprinted through the halls, pushing through the crowds. She got the elevator and stepped inside, slamming her fist on the button and showing her scroll so she could get clearance to go down there. Once she arrived to the floor she got out and ran to Blake's room. She peered in the small window on the door, Weiss was already in there talking to Blake. Both teams had been told that they are not allowed to give Blake any information on the situation, some feared that she might be a spy. Yang hated that her partner was being accused of being an enemy spy, there was no way that she could be. She took a deep breath and stepped inside, Weiss turned around and smiled at her. The blonde ran over to the bed, pushing Weiss out of the way. "Blake!"

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