Chapter 15

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When Yang got to the dorm she laid down on her bed and buried her face in her pillow. After a few minutes, Ruby and Weiss walked into the dorm, Pyrrha had gone back to her own. Neither one of her teammates said a word as they changed into their pajamas and climbed into bed. Yang was crying silently into her pillow, she might not get the chance to apologize to Blake...

"Good night, Yang," Ruby said quietly as she turned off the lights. She curled up under her covers and sighed.

After a few moments of silence, Yang replied, "good night, Ruby..." She curled up on her bed and stared at the wall, she just wanted her partner back. It seemed it had been forever since the incident in Vale. She couldn't believe that about a month ago she was laughing with her partner and teasing her. At one point during the night, Yang dozed off. The sound of knocking on the door woke her up, she sighed and hopped off her bed. Quietly, so she wouldn't disturb her sleeping teammates, she walked over to the door and opened it. The person knocking was a nurse from the infirmary.

"You're Ms. Xiao Long, correct?" Yang nodded silently. "Okay, follow me."

Yang followed behind the woman and pulled out her scroll to check the time, it was 4 am. The two walked past the infirmary and Yang got confused. Where were they going? Was Blake not in there anymore?

The woman seemed to sense Yang's confusion and glanced back at her. "We moved your friend somewhere safer, we don't know if whoever did this is still after her," she explained as they stepped onto the elevator. She hit a button and the elevator took them to one of the bottom floors, one that Yang had never been to. They exited the elevator and walked through a dimly lit hallway that didn't have many doors. The nurse lead Yang to a door at the end of the hall and opened the door. "She's in there, I'll leave you two alone."

Yang's heart was pounding as she entered the room. She was terrified to see Blake's condition. She took small steps over to the bed and held her breath. Her stomach churned when she saw her partner, one of the girl's eyes was covered in bandages, she had burns on parts of her face, and she was covered in dark purple bruises. "Blake..." Yang mumbled as she grabbed her friends hand, holding it gently. Blake wasn't awake, but Yang felt a lot better at least getting to see her. "I'm sorry about what happened last time I saw you... I should have done a better job of protecting you... I'm so sorry," she started crying as she stared at her best friend, "it should have been me..." She let go of Blake's hand and looked down, "you deserve a better partner than me..."

Suddenly Yang felt a hand on her arm, "Yang?" The voice was raspy and she could barely hear it, but right away she knew who it was. She looked up and saw her teammate's amber eyes staring back at her.

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