Chapter 22

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It was late at night when Yang woke up, and she realized that she was still in Blake's room. She got off the bed and kissed her partner's forehead before walking to the door. Blake shifted but didn't wake up. "Good night, kitty cat," Yang said as she left the room. As she was walking through the hallway, she felt like she was being watched. She stepped onto the elevator and began making her way back to her dorm. She felt uneasy for some reason.


Cinder got passed the guards unnoticed. She opened the door to Blake's room and stepped inside. Quietly, she made her way over to where the sleeping girl was. A grin crept onto her face as she placed her hand on the girl's gently, waiting for her to wake up. Her plan for this 'visit' was to find a way to take the girl out of the school and take her back to her new base. The girl was working as the perfect distraction and Cinder was having no problem executing her plan. After a few minutes the girl opened her eyes and looked up at Cinder. "Hello, darling," the woman said with a slight grin.


Blake looked up at the woman, she was terrified. After being told what had happened to her, she couldn't help but feel that this woman was the one behind it. "W-what do you want...?" Blake asked, breaking the silence.

"I want you."

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