Chapter 13

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"Jaune, I need you to call Ozpin and tell him we found Blake," she said as she crouched down beside the faunus' body. A frown crept onto her face as she examined the girl's wounds, she couldn't bare to look at Blake's eye. The red haired girl checked for a pulse and let out a sigh of relief. "She's alive, but barely." Pyrrha carefully lifted up Blake. "We need to get her back to the school, tell Ozpin we need medical staff immediately." Jaune nodded and called Ozpin as the two ran back to the school. "Stay with us Blake..."

The two arrived at the school several minutes later. Right as they stepped through the doors Blake was set down on a stretcher and rushed to the infirmary. "We need to go tell Yang," Pyrrha said as she started to run to Team RWBY's dorm.

"Yeah..." Jaune nodded and followed behind his partner.

Pyrrha ran to the door and knocked, "I need to tell you guys something! It's very important!" She said breathlessly.

Within seconds Yang opened the door, a pleading look in her eyes. Ruby peeked out from behind Yang and Weiss looked up from where she was sitting. "What-"

"I- we found Blake... on a street... in Vale..." she said, still trying to catch her breath.

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