Chapter 14

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Yang's eyes widened as she stared at her red haired friend. She was shaking as she stood there silently for a few moments before managing to speak. "Is-is she alive?" Her voice was barely a whisper, "please tell me she's alive..." Tears were forming in her eyes.

"Yes. She's alive. She was taken to the infirmary when I brought her here," Pyrrha said, she couldn't bring herself to mention how badly Blake had been injured.

The blonde pulled Pyrrha in for a hug and started crying. "I was so scared... I never thought I'd be able to see her again..."

Pyrrha hugged her friend back tightly. Ruby and Weiss joined the hug and cried as well, they never thought that they would get Blake back. The four girls stood there, hugging each other for several minutes before Pyrrha spoke up, "shall we go down to the infirmary? I don't know if you'll be able to see her tonight, but it's worth a try."

"Yes," Yang said, nodding her head. The other two nodded as well.

"Let's go then," Pyrrha said, she started walking down the hall and the other girls followed her. Jaune went back to his team's dorm to tell Ren and Nora the news.

Once they were nearing the infirmary, Yang pushed past her friends and began running. She couldn't wait to see Blake. Suddenly, she got worried that Blake would hate her. Would Blake be mad at her for what happened when they last saw her? No. She couldn't be. Yang had no idea that that would happen. As she was running down the hall, she was stopped by Ozpin.

"Ms. Xiao Long," he said calmly, "I assume you're on your way to see Blake. You most likely will not be able to visit her tonight because she's currently in surgery. She was terribly injured when Pyrrha brought her here."

Yang bit her lip. She was now terrified to see Blake, what had happened to her. "Wh-what happened to her...?"

"Let's go somewhere private to talk," he said, motioning for Yang to follow him as he walked down the hall. He opened a door to an empty room and they both stepped inside. "Take a seat." Yang nodded and sat down. "I hate to be the one that has to tell you this, but her chance for survival is very thin. She's currently in critical condition."

Yang stared at him, the rage inside her building up. She was going to make the woman who did this pay.

The headmaster stared at Yang. "Now don't get any ideas about going after the one responsible, you're just going to get yourself killed. You've seen how strong she is. Even with your team you couldn't take her down. I have sent some of the best huntsman and huntesses after her so don't worry about going after her."

Yang frowned and looked down. "I understand..." she clenched her fists and looked back up at Ozpin. "What happened to Blake? What did that woman do to her?"

Ozpin let out a sigh and looked at the blonde haired student. "I don't know all the details on her injuries yet, but I know that she had been shot in the stomach and has a few broken ribs. We'll find out the rest once she's out of surgery." He walked towards the door. "You can either go back to your dorm with your team or wait in here. I'll send someone to get you when she can be visited."

With a sigh, Yang stood up. She followed him out the door and went to go find her teammates. Once she met up with them, they rushed over to her.

"What did Ozpin say?" Weiss asked with a concerned look on her face.

"We can't visit her yet..." Tears burned in Yang's eyes as she walked past them. "There's a chance she might not even make it..." She walked off to her dorm, leaving Ruby, Weiss, and Pyrrha behind.

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