Chapter 20

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It had been over a month since Blake had been found. She still was unable to leave her room, but she was able to do more things now. Security around her room had been lessened and she was no longer being watched by someone constantly.

It was the middle of the night and Blake was fast asleep in her room. She was curled up under the covers on her bed, breathing softly. At one point during the night she was woken up by her door opening, but she dismissed it as a nurse checking on her. She was about to fall back asleep when she heard a voice.

"Blake Belladonna."

Something about the voice sent chills down her spine, it sounded familiar but she didn't know who it was. She opened her eyes and saw a dark haired woman staring at her. Her eyes widened in fear when she saw a woman she didn't recognize.

The woman chuckled and placed her hand on Blake's; causing the girl to flinch. "You have no reason to be scared of me, I'm only here to help you." She shook her head slowly and sighed. The expression on her face is one Blake recognized as sympathetic.

Blake relaxed slightly and kept her eyes on the mysterious woman, wondering what she wanted. "What do you mean," she asked in a quiet voice.

"They don't trust you," the woman stated as she stared into Blake's eyes, "that's why they won't tell you anything. They think you're with the enemy."

Blake stared at the woman, listening to everything she said. She stayed silent, not knowing what to say. The woman didn't seem to be lying.

The woman smiled. "Don't worry, I trust you," she said as she ran her hand through Blake's hair, causing the girl to shudder. She leaned in towards Blake and placed her hand on the girl's face. Gently, she kissed the girl on the lips.

Blake stared at the woman with wide eyes. Why had she kissed her? Her mind raced as she tried to sort through her emotions.

"I will be leaving now, don't tell anyone about me." The woman turned to walk away, but then stopped. She placed her hand on Blake's neck, "this is going to hurt, but I have to do it. Try to stay quiet," she said softly.

Suddenly, Blake's neck began to burn. She covered her mouth with her hand to keep herself from screaming. She felt as the woman traced a finger down her neck, making some sort of design.

The woman pulled her hand away from Blake's neck and wiped a tear off the girl's face. "I will be back at some point during the next few days. When I'm able to, I'll save you from them. Trust me." She then left the room without another word.

Blake stared at the ceiling. She was confused by the woman's actions. Even though the woman burned her, she felt like she could trust her. Eventually, she drifted off to sleep.


Cinder smiled to herself as she left the school. She had such an easy time getting in there and she had earned the girl's trust. She planned to continue to mess with the girl's head until she got her where she wanted her.

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