Entry 11: Hope In Your Eyes

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They sat in silence both unsure of what to say. She looked desperately trying to find a sparkle in his eyes or a curve in his smile when she asked to stay. He looked at her and for a sloppy second she saw the spark ignite but then in was gone again, and that's how she knew that love still would be inside but neither of them had the strength to carry on.

"Danny," she spoke first

"I will not ask you to stay for me," he repeated this time not making eye contact with her


"I cannot ask you to give up your dream for me. Everything you have worked for. Everything you have earned. No. Jessica, I want you to have every opportunity, and if that means you move on. Then you move on, without me."

"But, I love you."

"And I love you. That's why I'm letting you go. I love you so much."

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