Entry 17: One White Rose

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"Can I have one white rose,"

"Only one sir?"

"Yes, just one please"

"Dad, why are you only get her one rose, why not just get her a whole bunch?"

"Why not only get one?" Sam winked

Young walker rolled his eyes at his fathers humor, jut like every thirteen year old boy does.

"You know I don't understand why you are getting her a rose, is it her birthday?" Walker asked


"Then why?"

"You know, if you want to impress Amanda you should take some notes," Sam chuckled

"No! Don't listen to shura! I don't like her, she's just my friend!"

Poor walker was at that awkward teenager age. Too old to be a child, too young to be an adult. Just at the start of puberty and oblivious to love. Aren't they all?

Walker turned his head to look out the window. They were passing fields and fields of corn. It was mid may, and Minnesota had never looked more beautiful. The trees were blooming,  flowers opening, and the sun warm until eight at night.

Pulling onto the secluded dirt road, the ocean of tall variety of oak trees took over the young boys vision. The smell of pine snuck its way into the truck, then a small house appears just a few yards down.

Sam pulled the keys out and went to grab the rose he had purchased before, when walker went to grab it first.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" He asked


"Dad it's okay, you can tell me" certain there was some mystery behind this one flower

"Okay fine, I'll tell you. You better listen now,"

"is mom...preg...pregant?" walker looked so concerned hoping that he would remain the baby of the family.

"What? No, Walker mom is not pregnant."
"-listen when you love someone, sometimes you want to surprise them with nice things you think they would enjoy. You know I have been with your mom a long time, and so sometimes...sometimes I want to show her that I really love her."  

"Oh, so, your just giving mom a gift? But it's only a flower"

"Now see you weren't paying attention. A gift doesn't have to be an actual gift. It could be a simple compliment, it could be doing the dishes so she doesn't have too, it could be making dinner before she comes home, it could be buying her a rose."

Walker starred at the rose.


"So you are just giving her a rose to make her happy?"

"Yes, something like that" Sam shook his head, Walker still didn't understand

"I don't understand."

"Walker, I'm giving your mom this flower because I love her. Your mom is special, and I want to make her smile."


"Now come on, maybe if you're lucky I'll let you give it to her,"

"Ew then she'll try to kiss my cheek"

The house was quiet. The kitchen down the hall played soft music that echoed through the house. The windows were open and the house had a smell of spring. The house was oddly quiet.

"Mom?" Walker called out

The two boys walked through the house to the kitchen where the back door was slightly open. There Sam opened the door and saw Jessica whistling to herself as she hang blankets out on the cloths line.

"Last chance, you want to go give mom the flower?"

"No, you do it "

"Are you sure?"

" Dad. "

"Okay okay,"

Sam took off his jacket and hung it on the back of the chair. He grabbed the rose and headed out the back door. Jessica still didint realize they were home. Walker stepped up onto the counter and watched his father walk towards his mother.

Sam wrapped his arms around Jessica's waist and kissed the top of her head. Walker wanted to see his father give his mother this rose. He wanted to know the outcome, he wanted to see her reaction behind this whole operation. Even though he acted like he didnt enjoy the attention is mother gave him, he felt protective of her.

He saw his father sneak the rose from behind his back and hand it to his mother. Her face was priceless. She smiled and lifted the flower to her nose. There was small conversation between the two lovers, when Jessica reached up and kissed Sam sweetly on the lips. Sam wrapped his arms around her and bear hugged her. Walker smiled seeing them happy.

Walker thought girls only liked getting teddy bear's, and chocolate hearts made them happy. He knew is parents love was special. They were always good to each other. They had their fights but at the end of the day they would find their way back to each other.

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