Entry 18: I Want To Be Pregnant

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"Yes honey?"

"Where do babies come from?"

"Well, babies come from a place that is very very special. They come from magic."

"Magic?" she looks up


The four year old girl sat with her mother at the kitchen table playing with a single box of crayola crayons. Jessica kept one eye on her daughter and the other on the chicken that was grilling on the stove.


"Yes, sweat pea"

"Are you and Daddy going to have another baby?"

"Umm...well what makes you ask that?"

"Well, Mary told me that her mommy was having another baby, and I want my mommy and daddy to have another baby."

"You do?"


"Well,' Jessica turned down the stove and leaned over the counter and looked straight into her daughters eyes

"I promise if you want a little baby sister or brother, daddy and I can try"

"-Me and Daddy can try what?" Just at the perfect moment Danny walks in, with the bag of groceries Jessica called and requested.

"Daddy!" Maddie jumped from off the chair and rushed into his arms.

"Hey baby, I missed you today!" He picked her up and spun her from side to side

"Daddy me and mommy were talking and we were talking about babies."

"Babies?" He looked at Jess confused

"Yep." Jessica turned back around to the stove, trying to avoid Danny's confused face

Later That Night...

"Good night my sweet angle, don't forget tomorrow we are going to Grandmas, so make sure you close your eyes and get some sleep okay? "

"Will Annie be there?"

"Yes honey,"

"Goodnight mommy," she smiled

"I love you" Jessica slightly left the door open and turned off the hall light when she heard the TV on downstairs


"-Danny? she called once more "Come on, lets go upstairs its late"

"Jess?" he softly called out


"She asked you about a baby tonight?"

"Danny its late, I don't feel like talking about this now."

"Jess, why are you holding this against me? I just want to talk about it"

"What are you talking about? Come on, its late, I'm tired"

"Jess, it bothers me too. But I feel like you are shutting me out. You barley even look at me, "

"Oh Danny, that's not true"

"Jess, please. You don't think i want another baby? You don't think I know you can do better than me, for fucks sake I can't even give you another baby." Danny's voice was harsh, and sounded hurt

"Danny, stop it" she dismissed the conversation

"Jess, please talk to me. Please baby, I know your hurt, and i don't want you to shut me out. Please...Just talk to me" his eyes started to water. Jessica has only seen him cry twice in the years they were together, she was surprised how heartbroken he really was. Her eyes followed his and she began to cry.

"Danny, I want another baby, I want to be pregnant, its not fair that we can't get pregnant" Danny bare hugged her as she cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry I can't give you a baby" he whispered

"Stop. Don't say that. Making a baby is both of us, not just you. You aren't doing anything wrong. We just have to keep trying, if not we can go see someone for help" Jess coaxed him.

'I just...it kills me I can't make you happy. I can feel you, I can feel you hurting. And its so frustrating that I can't fix you. I failed, and that little girl...that little girl just so innocent, how could i tell her that i can't make her mother happy. "

"Danny stop. Stop it. I'h happy with you. I'm happy with our house, where we live. I'm happy with our daughter. I'm happy with the life we share. So don't you ever say that I'm not happy Mr. Huston, because I love you, and everything we share."

"I love you, too."

"And Danny, maybe by this time next year, maybe I'll be carrying our child, and well be fighting over baby names instead"

Danny kissed her forehead and rubbed his palm over the back of her shoulder

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