I just had a short nap because I wasn't able to sleep properly. I decided to get fresh and stroll outside, also get something to eat! I've been starving since yesterday. As I went out, I could hear someone shouting at somebody. I followed the sounds and saw Trey, in the kitchen, angry on the phone. "JUST HANG HIM TO DEATH! MAKE SURE NOT EVEN HIS SINGLE PIECE OF BONE IS LEFT. GET IT?", he spoke in a choleric manner. I went inside the kitchen and, WOAH! I couldn't resist staring at his body. He was shirtless, and was preparing breakfast, I guess. His muscled body and abs couldn't help me stop staring at him. "What are you doing here, Callie?", he asked but I didn't reply because i was much busier in staring than concentrating. "Callie? I asked what are you doing here?" "CALLIE!!!!? ARE YOU DONE STARING?", he yelled and I finally came back to the world! "Oh. Hey. Umm, Sorry.", I said being a little embarassed. "Hahaha! Not something new for me though! Hey! Isn't that my shirt? Suits much better on you", he laughed. "Well, is it? Then I suppose you must GET me clothes to wear if you're hell going to lock me up here in this DAMN!", I asserted. He laughed and said, "Well, I'm pretty sure it isn't a damn for you; after I've seen you enjoy your room and shower?" "I, I, I was wondering if I'd get a tour of your house. I didn't know where the kitchen was, and fortunately followed your howl to here." "What? Did you hear anything?", he added. "Well! What's up with another Murder, Mr. Boss? As you said you don't kill innocents.", I said. "Hahahaha! Oh, little innocent girl. That's what I am. A Murderer. That's what makes me the boss of the gang. In fact, that guy deserves to die! He betrayed us. Uh, anyway, want some breakfast? Then I'll surely ask Linda, the maid, to show you around.", he said. We had our breakfast and Linda showed me around! Everything in the house was just so beautiful but I couldn't stop loving the balcony.
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I could actually live there and get lost in thoughts, because it's my thing. I usually loved being alone and think about life. It was about time when Trey had called me for a meeting. He took me to the meeting room in the ware house, which was orginally created for the gang members. They used to stay in that house for about the whole day.
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It was quite huge and I met his gang there. Well, it wasn't the complete gang but the mains. Trey introduced me to his people, "Callie Russo! I'd like you to meet my gang! This is Tanya (The Senior Detective), Ellie (Crime Gun Intelligence), Sandra (Hacker). You've already seen these two boys who got you yesterday, Hunter and Dave (My left and right hands). They're always there with me in every situation!" I smiled with nervousness and met all the people. They seemed quite good. "Uh! I hope boss doesn't keep this lady here. She'd take over me and get in good with the boss.", murmered Ellie to Sandra. "Yeah I know! I heard she's living at the Boss' house", Sandra whispered to Ellie. "Callie. I would prefer keeping you as a part of our gang! You are going to seduce the enemies.", the Boss offered me taking me away from the members. I stood there with my eyes wide open! "WHAT? I mean, what?? How can I be? I don't even know anybody here and SEDUCE? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I can never do that", I said. He put his hands through my hair and said, "Don't worry! I will never let you handle the duty unless you're not perfect at it."
TREY'SPOV Uh! She'stotallyperfectforthisjob. She canseducemeanytimeoftheday, though.
I was a little nervous but ready to do it if I was to live at that house. Trey announced my job to the other members after I had accepted it. It was finally time to go back to the room after that long meeting. It really was tiring. I went to room and saw that Trey had got clothes for me to wear. I got a shower and wore one of the PJs he bought! I looked in the mirror and said to myself "Oh Well, look what this hot lady got to do now! Seducing would be easy. I hope." I laid on the bed and was thinking about it. Well, Trey'sgottobeoneofthemosthandsomestguysI'veeverseen. Plus, thatblackcolourlookssodamngoodonhim! Uh!
I then just slept there, dead. Morning already! I went to the kitchen and saw Trey there preparing breakfast. "Hey, Good Morning! Wow! You just look so beautiful in those clothes.", Trey said. "Clothes? This is just a PJ and it's not even me! The choice is totally different and it's too short.", I said in quite anger. "Remember your job? That's what you will need to keep dressing like. Now c'mon eat your breakfast and go get ready. We're going to the warehouse! Remember to always wear any of the black outfits whenever we go to the warehouse.", he ordered. I silently ate my breakfast and took a bath. I wore that slim black pant, with that silk grey sleevless shirt that had a golden necklace attached and a black velvet jacket on top. The shirt was short, but fortunately the jacket covered it because I was never used to short clothes. I was just getting ready to go, doing my hair, when Trey appeared in my room from no where! "Tr-TREY! What are you doing here? You gave me a heart attack!!", I yelled. "Shh! I just wanted to see if you're ready! But well, I guess now you're the one who's attacking my heart with your appearance.", he said while he was on his way to the door. "You could have freaking KNOCKED THE DOOR? What if I was changing?", I angrily howled. He locked the door and said while coming closer to me, "Oh! I wish I had come in a bit earlier. Well, it's my house so I don't care knocking." "BUT IT'S MY ROOM NOW? So you must do as I say about my ROOM!", I got nervous seeing him getting close and said. "Sure as you say Your Highness! Oh Goodness, your eyes are so beautiful.", he put his hand into mine and said. "Aren't we getting late, Mr Boss?", I slipped backwards and added. "C'mon girl. You don't make me late now.", he came even closer and I moved backwards. "Trey? Wh-what are you...", just when I touched the wall and there was no way to pass through.