It was about time. I wore a simple, yet elegant pink dress for the dinner.
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Trey and I went to an amazing restaurant! The music of the ocean beside our seats was so overwhelming and peaceful. "OMG! This place is so beautiful!! I didn't know you liked peace too?", I giggled.
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"Well there's much you don't know about me!", he replied winking. We ate the food and Trey started the talk. "So, weren't you in France?" "France? How did you know?", I asked as I chocked.
"C'mon what do you think about me? I'm not just that normal person who has no knowledge about his surroundings!", he laughed. "Well, yes I did go to Paris, France. I stayed there for about 2 weeks and came here to London.", I replied. "Oh. Where do you live now?" "Here. I have my own house in the Downtown now."
I also told him about what Ellie had told me about Trey. Soon we finished our food and were ready to go back. "Let's go! I'll drop you at your house.", Trey offered. "NO!!! I mean um, No.. I, well, leave me back to the patisserie. I have to finish off some work there and then I will go back myself! Thanks though." "Woah! What's wrong? The last time I asked you about your address, you refused. What is it Callie?", he stared me with complete confusion. "Nothing Trey. I am tired, let's go please." Trey drove me back and went away. I slept in the room in the Patisserie that night because I had to file up all the work. I went back home the next morning and took a day off work. "Mommy! Mommyy!! Mommy is home!!", cheered Alex, my son. "Oh baby! Were you a good boy to Julia?", I held him up in arms. "He sure was Callie! Do NOT thank me now, girl! I am always there for you sweetie.", said Julia, my neighbor.
AlexwasmineandTrey'sson who looked a total ditto copy of Trey. The same ash blonde hair, those same hazel eyes. HewasbornafterIleftTrey'shouse. IhadgonetotheHospitalinParisbecauseIwasn'tfeelingsogoodlately. ThedoctorinformedmethatIwaspregnant 2 weeksalready. Itwas a hardtimeformestruggling. SoonafterIheardthenews, ItraveledbacktoLondon, to my aunt'shouse. Shetookcareofmebutunfortunatelypassedawayinnotime! Itwasrealhardformetolookaftermyselfallalone. JuliaEvertonshiftedintoour neighborhood and lookedaftermeandmyson. ShewasahardworkerandopenedupthePatisseriewithmesothatwecouldearn a living.
"Callie! Where were you last night? I tried calling you but your phone was switched off. Was everything alright?", she asked anxiously. "Yes Julia. I had work to do. I'm sorry my phone died and I was so exhausted that I slept there in the spare room itself.", I answered.
A few days later, back in New York.
"ELLIE! FREAKING ELLIE I NEED TO MEET YOU IN THE MEETING ROOM UNDER 5 MINUTES!!", Trey shouted. Ellie came running to the office and said in a flirty manner, "Finally! I knew you'd need me Trey! Let's go your bedroom?". "SHUT THE FUCK UP ELLIE! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY TO CALLIE? THAT I WANTED TO KILL HER?", he shouted at her in anger. "Easy Boss! Calm down. I didn't even talk to her. That bit-", she said. "That bit- WHAT? Ellie you betrayed our gang. You lied to Callie and now you're fucking lying to me! And so you've NO RIGHT TO BE HERE! YOU KNOW I SHOW NO MERCY WHETHER WHO YOU ARE." "No boss! I- I, uh, Don't kill me please Boss! I did that because she wanted to take my place in your heart", she said. "I'VE NO PLACE IN MY HEART FOR YOU MISS ELLIE! ESPECIALLY FAKERS AND CHEATERS.", Trey yelled. "Oh! Then why did you always take me into your room and kiss me?", she said with attitude. *BANGBANGBANG* "Game Over Cheater! DAVE, HUNTER!! I NEED YOU TO GET RID OF THIS BODY OVER HERE.", Trey shot Ellie and called for the men on his way out of the room.
2 days later, back in London. "C'mon Alex! Hurry up! We need to leave this city." I said while packing luggage. "Where we go mom?", Alex said. "Paris. Now go get a bath fast! Or else we won't go." "Ok ok!", he runs to the washroom.
Ihadtoleavethiscity in case Treyeverfindsoutaboutus. He'dsurelyhangmetodeathifhe saw Alex.
We both got our stuff and went to the car. "Hey Callie! Where are you rushing with your suitcase?", said my best friend Austin from the neighborhood. "Oh nothing Austy! I am traveling back to Paris. There's been some work. I'll catch up with you later in a few days!", I smiled and got to the car. "Alex sit in the car, I will just get some food from the patisserie for the way. Don't come out, dear", I asked Alex. After a few minutes.. "TREY????", I was appalled seeing him outside the Patisserie, in front of my car. "Mommy! Mommy!", Alex shouted from the car's window. "Hey Callie! You didn't even talk and ran awa- who's this? Why are you so shocked?", appeared Austin from behind.