We reached Trey's new house! It was totally eye-catching and worthy than the previous one. I and Alex were totally exhausted so we just went to bed and Trey had gone to the warehouse. "Boss, if you need your son, then all you can do is marry Callie!", Dave advised. "Woah woah! Are you nuts? That evil lady will make my life a hell!", Trey asserted. "Well then do you want Callie to be there on the street and you live with your son? Boss, this is actually the perfect thing to do! You can easily look after them both. Alex certainly does need a Mom.", Hunter added. Trey took a deep breath and said, "I guess you guys are right! Alex would never accept me as a Dad unless he has no mother. I'll go talk to Callie when she wakes up."
After a few hours, Trey came to my room and asked me to meet him on the terrace. I freshened up and followed him.
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"Wow Trey! I really love this place. Well, what's the matter by the way?", I spoke. "Callie, I know how we both can have Alex. Callie, we should get married.", he held my hand and said. "WHAT? Are you fucking crazy Trey? I'd never marry you! You're a cheap person, a traitor, a criminal, a--" I took the steps backwards. "Callie just SHUT UP! If Alex needs a Mom, he needs a Dad too! Why the fuck won't you understand? Callie, see, I'm doing it just for you and Alex." "But Tr-trey! I won't ever marry a heartless person like you who hardly knows how to treat someone.", I said furiously. "I KNOW HOW TO TREAT PEOPLE! And CALLIE, WE'RE GETTING MARRIED WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! GET IT?", He turns away and goes. I sat there, confused. LivingmylifewithTreyforsureisgonnaput a reallybadimpactonusas a family. He'snot a onepersonman. Hehasbroken a lotofpeople'sheartandIdon'twanttoriskmineandmyson'slife. "CALLIE! I GIVE YOU ONE DAY TIME TO THINK ABOUT IT", He comes to the terrace, says, and leaves. Things had been going a little hectic lately. Trey didn't speak a word to me unless it was about the marriage. "Trey! I'll marry you! But on some conditions.", I said him. We both went in the backyard and talked. "What is it?", Trey asked. "1. You'll need to be honest. 2. You would never cheat on me. 3. You aren't going to make Alex the part of your gang." "Callie! I accept the first 2 but I'm sorry. I won't accept your third condition. 'The Bloody Dragons' have been going on since 20 years, Baby! My forefathers died and their sons had taken it over! My grandpa, then my dad, now me, then Alex, then Alex's heirs. Do you understand that Callie?", he held my hand and said politely. "Uh-umm, Tr- Alright! I will marry you then", I smiled. "That's like my lady! You're on the preps yourself. We'll have our wedding next weekend!" "WHAT? Next weekend? You mean in 8 Days?? What's the freakin' hurry!!?", I stood there frozen. "The sooner, the better.", he said.
I was preparing hard for the wedding. I called up Austin and told him about it! Tanya and Sandra had taken me to shopping the next morning. Choosing a dress and ring was such a HARD JOB! But i was given help and was finally ready for the beautiful day. I went to take a shower that night in my room. I got in the shower and when Trey entered. "OMG! TREY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? GET OUTT!", i slided the curtain infront of me. "Get in? Did you say 'get in'? I didn't hear properly.", he said as he closed the door. "Trey I SAID GET FUCKING OUTTT!", I yelled. "Yeah I am getting in right? What's the matter?", he said as he came closer. He got into the shower amd pushed me against the wall, encircling his arms beside meleavingnowayformetopass. Heloweredhis head, bringinghislipstomineandkissedmedeeplyasthehotwaterstreamedmyback.
Time passed and passed, ItwastheWeddingDayFinally!! I wore the beautiful white wedding dress and Trey wore the black suit.
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I put on light yet glam makeup and did my hairdo beautifully.
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I invited Julia and Austin too! We were all ready for a new beginning. It was finally time, we said our "I do's" and was the time to kiss. This kiss couldgivemethetasteofPositivity, happiness, love, trust, fate, etc. IfeltlikeIwasinthehandsofsafetyforlifetime. When suddenly.."BANGBANGBANGBANG BANG BANG" Everybody ran from here to there! Trey's men took out the guns and started shooting. Nobody knew what was happening. All i could think about that time was Alex! He was nowhere to be seen. Trey got a bullet in his arm and as I tried to defend him, the bullet hit my Head! The other bullet had hit my leg, and I just landed on the ground, unconscious.