Trey looked inside the car's window and saw Alex. He was totally shocked!
Trey'sPOV MybreathcatchesmythroatasItrytomakesenseofwhatsgoingon. Asthepennyslowlydrops, IturnedawayandglaredatCallie. "CALLIE? Is this some sort of sick joke? You got to be fucking kidding me!", he asked me angrily with his hands folded and eyebrows crossed. "Get out of my way Trey! He's not your son. I need to go", I said pushing him on the other side. "WTF CALLIE? DO I LOOK STUPID TO YOU? ANYBODY CAN TELL HE'S MY SON. IT'S LIKE LOOKING INTO MY OWN EYES. He's obviously my Son! Isn't he?", he said. "Get out you little piece of weirdo! Callie said right? That he isn't your son?", added Austin. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO SPEAK LITTLE JERK? CALLIE. YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE.", Trey pulled me back to him. "Trey shut it please! Move a side, we're going away for a few days.", I alleged. "ENOUGH CALLIE! You've put MY SON away from me! You have really done it this time! And the hell you are going! You may go if you want to, but you're not freaking taking my son with you.", Trey said furiously. "Callie? He's Alex's father?", Austin said. "Yeah tell Callie? Am I his father?", Trey said. "Austin you may go please! I will ring you and let you know everything. So Trey! You better move away from my way, I need to get Alex breakfast. He hasn't eaten since morning.", I said. "Alright! We'll go for breakfast.", Trey added. "No! He doesn't even know you." "Well, it's time he will get to know me. Let's GO!", Trey opened the car's door.
After a few hours, we left Alex at Julia's and, I and Trey went to the park to have a talk. I told Trey everything about Alex. "I don't want Alex to be a part of The Bloody Dragons, though!", I said. "OH WHAT? He's going to be the next in line, Callie!", Trey asserted. "The hell not! I don't want him to be a criminal like you, TREY!", I said as I stamped my foot on the floor. "C'mon Callie! Do you have the power to fight for him in the courts?", He giggled. "Oh freaking yes Mr.Trey! I can and who's going to help a criminal, murderer, traitor like you to win Alex?" "Well you don't know, but my hands are clean in the sight of Law!", Trey laughed. "What do you exactly want Trey? Please Trey! I don't want him to grow up in your lifestyle. He's not a fighter Trey!", I said holding my breath. "Don't worry! He'll be trained the way I was and The Bloody Dragons run his blood!!" "SHUT UP TREY! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU! YOU'RE NOT GETTING MY SON! NEITHER WAY! YOU'RE JUST NOT GOING TO GET HIM TREYYY!!!!!!", I yelled at him. I slapped Trey and ran back home crying!
There'snowayI'mgivingmysontothatcriminal! He'satotaljerk! I'dneverputmyson under risks. I cantotallykillTreyatthismoment! Wait! WhatthehellamItalkingabout? Treycankillmeanymoment now orthen. It'sjustassimpleforhimtodothatandtakemysonaway!
"I guess I'll go get Alex off Julia", I said to myself while wiping my tears.
MeanwhileatTrey'shotelroom. "So boss! How come she didn't tell you about your son?", asked Detroit. "She doesn't want Alex to be the part of our gang, Detroit!", Trey replied. "I hope you had told her that Alex has to be the part whether she likes it or not. Our blood runs in his veins!" "I know Detroit! I said that to her, well, it didn't go that well.", Trey said. "I've found out information on her house! Do you wanna go there and talk to her?", Detroit said. "Sure! This way I'd be able to look at my son too."
After some time, they reached Callie's house.
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"Woah! Such beautiful, Boss. You go inside! I'll see you in some time.", said Detroit. KNOCKKNOCK "Ugh! Who's that this late now??", Callie heads to the door. "TREY?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" "I'm here to see my son, Miss Callie!", Trey locked the door. "Hey! Don't even. He's asleep.", I whispered. Trey heads to the room where Alex was sleeping. "Hello? You're going to wake him up!!", I tapped on his shoulder from behind. "Our son looks so cute while sleeping. Just like my little brother! And by the way, you're the one who's gonna wake him up, babe!", he said. We headed down to the living room and I said "Trey, you can't take my son away please!" "You mean OUR son? Callie, I'm not that bad wanting him to take away from you! We can live together! All I want is to make him hard enough to stand all by himself.", Trey replied politely putting hands on my shoulders. "But Tre-" "Shh.", he put his finger on my lips. Trey slightly got my opened hair on one side and pulled me against him! I could feel his heart beat next to mine, to the same frenetic rhythm. He grasped the back of my head and crushed my mouth to his, and drove out anger, pride, and thought in that long, devouring kiss. I wanted to push him away but my body wouldn't move as I was deep lost in him. KNOCKKNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "WHO THE HELL IS IT NOW??", Trey said. "OMG Shut it down Trey! Let me see" There came Detroit running inside to Trey. "Boss! Boss!! One of our enemies got to know that you have a heir!" "Heir?", I asked. "Alex, Callie! The person who's next to take up our gang!" Trey replied. "Boss I'm 101% sure they know about Alex! We need to hurry up go back to New York! They know about us and Callie here in London!", Detroit said. "Wh-what? No Trey! I can't leave my job and this place and go to New York! It's all your fault!", I resisted. "Detroit get Alberto to get the plane ready! We'll meet you in our hotel.", Trey asked Detroit. "Alright Boss! Make it fast", Detroit went away. "Callie, isn't it good for Alex AND You? See, I've bought a new house 4 months ago and I'm damn sure none of our enemies know about it. You will be safe, baby! Please try to understand and go get Alex!", Trey said. "Wow! You surely know how to say "Please"", I giggled. "Don't you fucking dare make me mad again Callie! Go freakin' grab Alex and COME! I am waiting. No need of changing clothes. We have set up clothes for you there.", Trey pushed me towards the room. I got Alex and locked the house. After a few hours, we finally got on Trey's private plane and were ready to head back to New York.
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The plane was absolutely astonishing and Alex comfortably slept there in no time. "You get some rest too, Callie! It's going to be a long flight.", said Trey.