The next morning I woke up, rubbed my eyes and walked to the washroom without looking around in the room. When I came back, I realized that Trey was working on the computer. Ignoring him, I headed towards the kitchen and he grabbed my hand from behind. "What the fuck is wrong with you Callie?", he raised his left eyebrow up. "LEAVE my hand Trey! Don't you dare touch me!!", I removed my hand from his fist and took my steps. Trey ran to the door and locked it before I could leave. "Listen to me Callie!", he said as he locked the door. "I guess there's nothing to talk about, Mr. Trey Casen. You're such a pathetic person!", I affirmed. "CALLIE LISTEN! THAT GIRL YESTERDAY YOU SAW ME WITH WAS MY COUSIN KATYA! I MET HER AFTER 6 YEARS AS SHE HAD GONE ABROAD FOR STUDY. WE HAVE BEEN ALWAYS GOOD SINCE THE BEGINNING AND THERE IS NOTHING BETWEEN US. I NEVER DO FAKE PROMISES, CALLIE!", Trey shouted at me and left. I was standing there in a confused position; didn't know what was going on. "I fucking messed up. I'm sorry Trey" I said to myself, looking out the window.
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Later, I went to the kitchen to get breakfast but I couldn't see Trey anywhere. I searched the whole house for him and suddenly I heard voices "Yeah! Perfect man! I'm totally admired. I'll come there tomorrow night to finish up his game." I sneaked and saw Trey talking on phone with somebody. After he hung up the call, I went to him and attempted to talk to him, "Trey look I- I" Before I could say something else, he just left. I followed him but he ignored my presence. "Trey please talk to me! I'm sorry! I-", as I said, he wore his coat and went out. I felt terribly sorry for my mistake but he wouldn't listen. Hours passed, I tried calling him but his phone was switched off. I called at Polina's and she said that Drake and Detroit have gone with Trey. John told me that they went back to New York. "New York? What? Why? He didn't even inform me!", I asked "Oh God he should have. He has gone to kill Austin.", John replied. "WHAT THE...? AUSTIN? WHY?" "Goodness Callie! You don't know? Austin is the one who had planned the murder of you and Alex.", He said. "NO! THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!", I threw my words and ran back home. WhywouldAustinevenwanttokillme? He'stheonewhohashelpedmeinmydifficulttimes. HealwaysthoughtaboutmineandAlex'shappiness! Whywouldhe? Time passed and it was about a week since there was any call from Trey to anyone. I called up Detroit to ask about him but he wouldn't pick up his phone either. Hunter's phone was also engaged. Finally, Hunter picked up my call and I anxiously asked him "HUNTER! OMG! Thank God you picked up my call! Hunter, where's Trey? Can you please hand over the phone to him?." "Callie calm down. Yo-you don't know about Trey?", his voice made me feel awkwardly down. "What is it Hunter?", I asked anxiously. "Callie, ju-just turn on the TV to the news channel. It's all over the world.", he said and hung up the call. I switched on the T.V and heard the news "BREAKINGNEWS! AsallofusknowaboutNewYork'stoptrillionairesTreyCasenwho'stheleaderofthegang "TheBloodyDragons". Soonafterhismarriage, hehaddecidedtoleaveforNewYorkbutunfortunately, the private plane hetraveledin was crashed. Nowonderwherediditgo. Therearenosignsoftheplane. Asfasasweknow, theplanecrashedbecauseofbadweather conditions whenitwasabovethesea. Ourpeoplearestillonsearchforthebodies! We'llkeepyouupdated! Untilthen, staytuned." "NO! NO WAY! TREY! YO-YOU CAN'T DIE!", I yelled in terror as Polina came running to me. "Honey, I saw the news. OMG! It's alright Callie, please hold yourself.", she consoled me. "NO POLINA! I-I", before I could say I bursted out with tears and ran back to my room. "It's all my fault! It's all my fucking fault!", I murmered to myself. It was night already and I slept in the same position I was when I saw the news. Alex was with Polina and they were taking care of him. The next day, I switched on the TV to check the news again. "GoodDay! Allofusknowaboutyesterday'stragedyaboutTreyCasen, NewYork'stoptrillionaires. Ourreasearchhasfoundoutthattherewere 4 peopleintheplane. Alexander Rumart the Pilot, Trey'scousinDrake Evan, Trey's partner DetroitHamiltonandTreyhimself. Weassumethattheplanehascrashedintotheoceanandtherearenosightingsofit. I'd feel sorry to say that they allaredead."