"Oh Hi there Mrs. Casen! I hope my patient is doing well.", said Dr. White as she entered the room. "All thanks to you, Doctor!", I replied with a smile. "Well, there's something I want to tell you Callie. You- You're Pregnant.", she affirmed. "WHAT? Uh, since how Long?", I was completely frozen. "About 2 weeks, Dear! Well, I hope you cooperate this nicely with your Husband. We'll take a few tests of yours and the ultrasound. You should be ready to go home by tomorrow.", Doctor said and left. "Alright Thanks!", I replied as Trey came in. "Trey?? Why didn't you te--" "Shh. Let's hope for the best, darling", Trey filled in my words. That night Trey and Detroit went to the bar to get some relief from all the stress. "Woah! Look at that lady dancing, Boss! Wanna get over with her?", Detroit asked Trey whilst staring at the women. Trey's POV I follow the movement of her hand as she slides it down her slender neck. I would love to have my hand just there, to see if her skin is as smooth as it looks. She sat with her legs crossed, very lady like, however it offered me a view of the thickness of her thighs underneath that shortdress. I envied that sleevless dress she wore with the modest design who's only function was to cover a curvy and delicious form. Isowishedtosittherewiththatsexylady. Herfigurecouldn'tstopme, hersmilewassolavishing, she'dbeabillionaireIthought.
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"Boss? Boss?? BOSSS!!!", Detorit yelled in my ear. "Yeah damn! What the heck, man? What do you want?", Trey replied in anger. "Wanna go to that lady and buy her a drink?", He offered. "Uh, well, umm, I guess I can't go through the condition Callie gave for Marriage.", Trey thought. "God, Boss! You're the Boss. She's not even here! Well I'll go. Follow me if you want her, I see a lot more girls to take to bed here.", Detroit laughed and went. Trey stood there and just enjoyed the music and had scotch.
A few days later. Alex and I were sleeping when Trey came in and asked me to meet him in the backyard. I walked annoyedly because he woke me up from a damn good sleep.
"Oh God, What the hell is your problem, Trey? Why won't you let me sleep in peace.", I said while rubbing my eyes. "Shut up, Wife. There's something I need to tell you and later you can sleep in extreme peace.", he sat down. "Callie. We'll be going to Italy the day after. I told you about my uncle right? John Evans? He's the leader of The Italian Mafia. He suggested us to spend holidays with them, and this way you and Alex will be safe from that attacker." "WHAT? O. M. G! GOOD GREAT Trey! Italy, Christmas! Duh, I can't sleep in peace now. I'm so ready!!", I shouted in excitement. Trey giggled and went away. I was still in thought, wondering who the Attacker would be. IfIgettoknowwhodecidedtokillmeandmyson.. I swearI'mgoingtohanghimtoadeaththat'lllooklikea pureaccident. It was a productive day indeed. I packed up all the things, prepared dinner, got Alex to bath, cleaned the house as the maid didn't come. Such a hectic day spent! But all I could think of was to start a beautiful life in Italy for Christmas! Time passed, it was finally the night we were traveling. 9 hours was a such long time! Alex slept in my lap and Trey was with the men in the other section of the plane.