"Love you.", Trey repeated. I filled up in tears and let the words speak "But, I thought you never had feelings for anyone or so. I-I, uh, you don't know how happy I am Trey!" Trey giggled and held my hands "C'mon Baby! For the first time in forever I've loved someone so deeply, plus, you're my wife and you deserve my love.". He embraced me and kissed my forehead gently "Don't ever worry Callie! The world is ours now! There's nothing to be afraid of now. I'm always there for you whenever you need me. Don't ever let yourself down, babe." I had deeply fallen into his eyes when suddenly I felt a gunshot. "Mommyyy! Look Detroit give me this toy gun.", Alex came running to the room. "Oh God Alex! You freaked me out.", I giggled.
Time Passed and passed... All of us lived in a happy state. It was 5 months already and my little baby was ready to come out. "Trey. I want you to know something please.", I said to him. "What is it?", Trey replied calmly. "See. I want to give our daughter a simple and beautiful life. I don't want her to always be afraid of others while living under a state of crime. Alex will be part of the gang but not our daughter please.", I smiled. "I understand Callie. I'll make this wish of yours my command.", he kissed my cheek and went away.
It was finally when my baby girl had her first cry in this world. Trey's eyes never left hers. We named her Alice. Her laugh and cuteness had enlightened our house in a remarkable way. I've never seen Trey look so happy this way before.
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She was finally 2 years and learned to walk. Unfortunately, she'd always fight with her dad which made me laugh. "Daddy! Put my shoes on I have to go with Mamma.", she said with a cute, pouty attitude. "Uh! Like mom, like daughter.", Trey mumbled.
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She's always been my other half of soul which made me complete. Alex was always busy with his Dad. He comes from school, sleeps and gets on training with Detroit and the other men.
We were then invited back to Italy at Polina's house for a week. They were really excited to meet the little lady and the growing up man after 3 years. We traveled back to Italy in Trey's new private jet. "Oh Boss! You've been such a hardworking dad, husband, leader after all.", Giggled the Pilot, Anderson. "Shut up Anderson! Watch your ways.", Trey blushed. I and Alice dressed up the same for the dinner which was quite fun since she was another ME after all.
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When we reached their house, I realized that Katya had gotten married and had a cute little daughter which was really surprising because we had no clue about this. "Kat-Katya? You never informed us about your wedding?", I asked Katya in a confused way. "Well, that's why you're invited here. I planned on giving you guys a surprise.", she smiled. I held her daughter who was only 1 month and 15 days old. She was another little charm who had brought happiness at John's house after Drake had passed away. I hadn't seen Katya's husband as he was in office. Finally, he had come for dinner and "BRODY?", I stood up when I saw Katya's husband enter. "CALLIE? Wh-what are you doing in here?", he said shockingly. "Well, I - I guess you guys know each other very well?", Katya added. "Yes Katya. He, he was my ex and he had helped plan my murder on my wedding day.", I crossed my arms and Alice followed me, crossed her arms too. "Hehe your girl's cute.", He giggled. I crossed my eyes at him. Trey didn't speak a word because his glance was enough to bring Brody on track. "Oh! So you're the one? Callie. Brody had told me that he planned on murdering a girl at wedding. He has asked for apology already. He's canged Callie. He's changed.", Katya asserted. "Yes Callie. I can prove to you I am changed. I've been really sorry after all that had happened. I myself was really hurt! Please trust me Callie. Forgive me.", Brody said in an upset manner. I could see the change and truth in his eyes which had melted my heart. "I forgive you Brody! Since we've started a new life, I let go all things and forgive you.", I smiled at him.
Trey had no objections against this because I was alert enough about right and wrong. We carried on with our dinner and had a really beautiful time. The week passed by really fast. Alice loved being accompanied by Katya and Brody. Brody was a completely changed, hardworking person who tried everything to give his family a perfect life. He had even gotten a lot more handsome just because he left drinking.
We finally left and headed back to New York. Our house. Our New York. "Home Sweet Home" was our thing and we then lived Happily Ever After. Oh! Well, Alice grew up and was another Callie which really gave Trey a headache. But after all, family is life.
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