Chapter 3

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I closed the door and leaned up against it and shut my eyes

"rough day?" Zoe asked, her head poking round the living room door frame, i pouted and nodded, i rubbed my sleepy eyes and looked at her properly, why was she being weird? Our tiny flat had the two bedrooms on the left of the front door with the bathroom at the end of the hallway, on the right it was the living room which you had to walk through to get to the kitchen.

"I need food and then a nap" i groaned, walking towards the living room

"hey i'll get you something what do you need?" she asks in her high pitched tone that i know all too well.

"Zo..." i stopped walking and looked at her, what is she up to

"you go and relax!" she says nodding at me smiling, i opened my mouth but didn't say anything and rushed quickly to the doorway

"Fucking christ!" i say and throw my hands over my eyes, on OUR sofa was a half naked man..or at least, a naked man with a blanket round his waist, "Zoe are you aware of the naked man leaving his ass print on our couch?!" i call at her

"Oh uh, Grace this is best friend Grace..." Zoe trailed off, i heard him chuckle

"Yeah i remember Grace" What? I held my hand out in front of my face to cover his man parts and i looked at him,

"What?" i asked frowning

"Max is..y'know, the guy from the night club...his friend you hooked up with?" my eyes very nearly popped out of my head

"right" i breathe, it suddenly just got very awkward, i nodded and walked in to the kitchen, closing the door behind me, i walked straight up to the fridge and just rested my forehead on the door. I hear the door open and close and then Zoe's feet padding over to me, "just tired" i say before she asks, i turn to look at her and give her a weak smile, i could tell she didn't believe me from the one eyebrow that was raised. I walked over to grab a glass, filled it with water and downed it straight away.

"Max said Jack wouldn't stop talking about you that night"

"mhm" i mumble, rummaging through the freezer and pulling out mini chicken Kiev's

"Grace? What is it? Is it Jack? Have you seen him since?" Zoe frowns and walks over to me

"uh no, no it's okay. I guess I just enjoyed the night and it's a shame it won't happen again" I give her a weak smile and put the chicken Kiev's on a tray and in the oven before walking out of the kitchen,

"hey, sit with us for a bit?" she invites, I glance over at Max who has managed to get dressed at this point, he gives me a friendly smile and I return it,

"um..sure...until my food is done" I say quietly and head over to the armchair, far away from him

"how's Jack?" I blurt out, I don't make any eye contact with Max in case he already knows

"yeah he's good, he wouldn't shut up about you guys" Max laughed and I heard him adjust himself on the sofa

"bet he has now" I say without thinking, I can feel the tension grow

"uh, well I guess he doesn't really have much to say if he hasn't seen you" Max says awkwardly.

"Max was saying that Jack's a teacher, he's probably really busy all the time" Zoe says trying to reassure me

"oh...he is?" I ask, playing dumb but I'm not sure I sound very convincing.

"yeah just in the local school here" Max mumbles as he reaches for a drink he left on the floor, Zoe's eyes shoot to me, shit, she's clicked. I glance up at her, I can see the questioning in her eyes and I nod my head slightly so Max doesn't notice,

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