Chapter 13

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I could feel my eyes getting heavier as if I was about to fall asleep on the floor in the rain when I heard footsteps running, crashing through the puddles.

"Grace?!" I heard Jacks familiar voice, I kept my head down and squeezed my knees in tight. "Grace please" he whispered, stopping in front of me and crouching down to look at me

"Leave me alone" I whispered back. I heard him packing up all my things that were still on the floor.

"Grace I will pick you up if I need to" he threatened. I stayed put.  He wrapped his arms around me and carried me bridal style to his car, i squirmed and shouted,

"Jack put me down! This isn't funny let the fuck go of me!" I flapped around everywhere and he sat me down in the passenger seat of his car, closing the door before running round to his side, "Explain then" i said bluntly, "you've got me in here, just fucking get it over with" Jack pressed his foot on the accelerator and we zoomed out of the carpark.

"Nicole came to see me, upset, i was comforting her" Jack said through gritted teeth, "Why were you just in a ball on the floor in the rain?"

"What can be that bad where she has to come to you at your place of work, for a hug?!"

"personal matters okay Grace?" He spat, i scoffed in reply and took my belt off

"stop the car"

"put it back on" i had never heard him so angry, he was going way above the speed limit and overtaking any cars that were in his way

"Jack slow the fuck down!" His knuckles were white where he was gripping the wheel so hard.  We turned the corner and approached the carpark.  He parked in his usual spot and got out the car, grabbing my wet bag off the back seat before opening my door,

"out" he ordered.  I stepped out the car and walked over to the lift.  We got in and went up to the relevant floor, he unlocked it with one smooth motion and let me in first before slamming it shut behind us.  I watched him, his eyes darted around the place as if he was looking for someone, has she been here? "What?" he snapped

"She's been here hasn't she" i said in disgust


"then who are you looking for?" i fold my arms over my chest and he runs his hand through his hair before sighing and walking down the hallway towards his office, my eyes follow him but i stay standing in the living room.  He walks in and slams the door shut behind him, i feel myself getting angrier and angrier the longer i stand there watching the closed door. "If you're just going to shut yourself away in there then i'm leaving" i call to him and walk towards the front door. No Answer. I storm down the hallway and stand outside his door, i let myself in and he sits up from his laptop, closing the screen quickly, "are you actually serious?" i laugh at him and shake my head before leaving the room and heading to the front door.

"wait!" i could hear his footsteps running after me down the hallway, he grabs my wrist and spins me round to face him, i look away and clench my jaw. "Okay, now i can explain"

"you just had the chance to explain, you got me in your car, you got me here...and then you just fuck off in to your office and go on your laptop? Bye Jack" I rip my hand out of his grasp and reached for the door, i opened it slightly and he forced it shut

"Grace!" he shouted, i turned around, our faces were inches from each other.  I was too angry to want to kiss him, i stared in to his eyes and i saw the anger in his stare right back at me. "My office please" he said through gritted teeth. I couldn't help but be reminded of the fact he was a teacher by that.  I moved away from him and walked to his office.


"uh, okay, sit down" he grabbed chair from in the corner and put it next to his.  We both sat down, his elbows were on his knees, he was leaning forward looking at me.

"spit it out"  He sighed and sat up straight.

"when Nicole and I were.."

"fucking" i finished for him

"yes...well, she'd been seeing some guy, sort of before and then finished things off with him after we did it the first time...he didn't take it very well" 

"right but that was ages ago so what does it matter now?" i don't care if i sounded heartless, Jack was mine and Nicole pisses me off more than i ever thought was possible. He sighed again and clenched his jaw, i could tell he was trying to hold back from shouting at me

"Yes, but he's just been released from jail and so that is why she was upset.  She came to me because i was there around the time it was all going on"


"he broke in here while she was here.  I was in the shower, he tried to take her out of the apartment, she put up a fight and i walked out as he kicked her to the floor, we got in a fight, she called the police.  That was the last time we saw him"

"i feel sick" I whispered and left the room.  

"Grace" i could tell he rolled his eyes before standing up and coming after me again

"no get off me" i snatched my hand out of his and turned to face him, his eyes looked hurt, "i can't have this.  I can't be in this place knowing she's been in it.  Not just her, all the other girls you've slept with in your time.  It's disgusting.  I sleep in the bed that they've slept in, that they've had sex with you in" i could feel the tears ready to spill out my eyes, i couldn't look at him because i knew how hurt he would be.

"Grace" he whispered.  As soon as i felt the first tear on my cheek i turned around and ran out the door to the elevator, i waited to see if he was coming after me but there was no sign.  

"Please please please" i whispered to myself, pressing the buzzer, praying that Zoe was home


"Zo!" I couldn't contain my tears, "P-Please, it's me"i stuttered,

"Grace?!" The phone slammed down and the door unlocked, i ran straight through and up the stairs, "Grace what is it?" Zoe met me half way, i wrapped my arms around her tight and sobbed in to her shoulder, "you're soaked, where have you been?" she asked softly, i couldn't answer and she managed to lead me up the stairs and in to our apartment, taking me in to my bedroom. "Grace please talk to me, what's happened? Are you hurt?" she starts scanning my body and i shake my head

"Jack" i whisper, my voice barely there

"what's he done?" her voice suddenly dark, i shake my head again and hang my head down.  Zoe gets up and hurries in to the bathroom and comes back in with a towel, "come here" she whispers, "take all this off" she nods at my clothes and grabs my dressing gown off the back of the door, i limply take my clothes off and wrap the towel around me, drying myself off and taking my dressing gown from Zoe.  I curled up on the bed and covered my face with my hands.  I felt Zoe lay down next to me and wrap her arms around me, pulling me close.

In Love With Mr. Green [student/teacher relationship]Where stories live. Discover now