Chapter 8

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The bell rang to signal the end of lunch.  I hadn't bothered with Jack today, I wanted to see what he was like in our lesson later on before I start throwing myself at him. Poppy and I headed to maths, fourth lesson of the day.  I couldn't stop thinking about Zoe and the pregnancy.  It hadn't properly sunk in yet.  Yesterday we just had a lazy day on the sofa watching Pretty Little Liars and didn't speak about it but I decided that today we had to.  Time will fly and before you know it she'll be 9 months pregnant ready to pop, our apartment can't hold a baby, what if she has to move out? Where will I go? I know it's purely selfish but my occasional weekend job at the local café doesn't really pay much more than what I need to get by.  Poppy was filling my ears yet again with whatever she had done this weekend, I just had to nod and smile which was enough for her to think I was listening.  We sat down at our tables and got out our belongings soon to be greeted by a sub teacher, everyone relaxed and gave mini cheers, this meant a free lesson.  I of course spent the whole time wondering how Zoe and I would cope if she kept the baby.  Would Max want anything to do with it?

The bell cut my thoughts off, shit, that was an hour?! I packed up my things and hurried over to the science block where I could spend the next hour mentally undressing Jack.  Poppy and I said our goodbyes before heading in to separate classrooms.  I walked in, took my seat and waited. Jack finally came in after all of the students had arrived and started teaching.  I couldn't help but noticed he looked tired and yet again, avoided eye contact with me which really wound me up. The bell signalled the end of the last lesson of the day and we all packed up our things.  I was about to head out of the classroom with the crowd so he would know I was annoyed at him before he called me back.

"Miss Bailey, Mr Daniels, could I see you for a second please?" I frowned, why was he calling someone else back?, "I'm going to put this bluntly guys, you're both the only two failing the class.  If your performance level doesn't increase over the next few weeks then unfortunately you're going to have to switch classes" Jason Daniels nodded at him and apologised, I simply glared. "that's all, you may go" Jason hurried out the classroom and closed the door behind him, you could hear the muffled sounds of his friends greeting him outside the door, I looked at Jack, he had his back to me packing his things up, "yes, Miss Bailey?" he asked without turning around.

"It's Grace.  Is that all you wanted to see me for?" I questioned him, he turned around to look at me

"yes, Grace, thank you for staying behind"


"-I'm sure you understand that I would hate to lose any of my students, but I do want the best for all of you and so if you're not moving at a pace as fast as some others then I will need to do what I can to help you and sometimes that just means moving you in to a class that is more suited" I stared at him with wide eyes

"right" I said quietly, that answered that question then.

"ah! Miss Bailey! Good I'm glad you're here.  I've noticed you around with Poppy recently, she's really settled in to the school well and I just want to say thank you very much"  The head of science appeared out of the back room in Jack's class, suddenly it all made sense.

"Ah it's no problem Sir, she's a lovely girl, I'm glad she's settled in well" I smiled back,

"just maybe focus on your studies a little bit more, see you later" he smiled at both of us and left the room with arms full of folders.  I watched him leave and then looked at Jack who was smirking at me

"you're funny" he smiled, putting his coat on, my heart felt warm again and I walked towards the door,

"I need to go home, i'll see you tomorrow...Sir"

In Love With Mr. Green [student/teacher relationship]Where stories live. Discover now