Chapter 12

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The train ride home was silent.  Zoe was resting her head on my shoulder and we were on our way home from the hospital.  She'd just completed the final stage of the abortion, she said she just had to take a pill and didn't want to talk about it.  I let her cry on my shoulder for a while on the train before she drifted off to sleep.  I could tell she hadn't slept in days and it broke my heart to see.  I pulled out my phone to see a missed call and some texts from Jack. 'Hey I hope everythings okay' 'I was thinking of coming round later and making you both some dinner?' 'let me know when youre home' 'I want to see you' I smiled at my phone and hit reply,

'Hello you, we're on the train ride home.  It would be lovely to see you however I'm not sure anything in our fridge could be eaten for dinner...or eaten at all in fact. Bring Max round? Zoe is quite upset so it would be nice for us all to hang out and take her mind off of it'  I hit send and rested my head on Zoe's.  I'm so happy Zoe and Max made up, and Jack and Max for that matter. Zoe said they don't talk about the baby to each other, but Jack has told me Max has come to him a few times to talk about it.

"Zo the guys are coming round in a bit, I hope that's okay, I thought we could get some company around us and take your mind off of things" I said quietly as we got in the house, dreading not asking her before I invited them

"oh, yeah, sure" she mumbled as she walked in to her bedroom and closed the door,

"hey, shall I tell them not to? I don't mind at all, I just thought it would be best..." I stood outside her bedroom door and heard her moving things around before opening it and looking at me

"thank you, Grace.  I want to spend some time on my own for a bit and then i'll come and join you" she closed the door before I could answer.

"i'll buzz you in" I said down the phone and pressed the button. I unlocked the door and ran in to the kitchen to make some drinks before they got upstairs. I tapped on Zoe's door to let her know they were there and heard her mumble from the other side.

"I'm telling you, it won't happen!" I heard Max's voice as they came bounding through the door

"what you got there?" I asked, nodding at the bags they were holding before greeting Jack with a kiss

"greet me like that and i'll tell you" Max wiggled his eyebrows before Jack pushed him in to the wall

"Chinese!" Jack made his way in to the kitchen and I followed behind like a puppy

"Jesus, for how many people?!" I asked as they set all four bags down on the side

"well we weren't sure what you two would want so..." Jack trailed off, realising just how much they had bought.  Max had disappeared in to Zoe's room I assume and I wrapped my arms around Jacks neck before kissing him again, "mmm, I've missed you" he whispers against my face

"I've missed you too" his hands slowly creep down my back to my bottom before he spins us round and picks me up on to the kitchen counter, I squealed and laughed, wrapping my legs around his waist, "Please give me the good news"

"oh sorry, I don't have any" I smirked

"I think you do" he said in his low sexy voice before gently nipping at my bottom lip, I squirm on the side, feeling tingles run through my whole body down to my centre making it moist,

"I mean there is one thing" I whisper


"I finished my period" I smirked and he pulled me closer

"there it is" he crashed his lips to mine and ran his hand up the inside of my shirt, cupping my breast, I moan softly in his mouth.  I've missed this over the last few days while my vagina has been 'out of order' as Jack says.  He pulls me off the counter and carries me in to my room, closing the door behind us. Our lips don't break away for a second until he's thrown me on the bed. I lay there watching him remove his shirt and undoing his belt, I slide out of the top and skirt I have been wearing and he's back on top of me.  My hands run down to his open jeans and I push them down his legs before rubbing him over his boxers,

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