Chapter 5

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"mm no no" Jack mumbled and stopped kissing me to look at me, "Grace" he whispered, "we can't, i know we keep doing this and saying that afterwards but come on, we can't" he got off of me and sat on his knees on the bed in front of me, his eyes wandered down my body, my shirt had risen slightly exposing my belly button piercing, my skirt had also risen a little exposing more of my legs and i just lay there letting him soak it in. He closed his eyes and groaned, "can you sit up please?" I did what he said and sat up, adjusting my clothes,

"let's just get this tidied up" i mumbled, pressing the ice to his face again, we were both silent, i was craving his touch, i wish we had carried on and i can't help but feel like he wishes that too. The sound of the front door slamming made us both jump, followed by footsteps stomping in to Zoe's room and then her door slamming too,

"Max has always had a way with the ladies" Jack joked, smirking slightly

"What even happened? why was it such a big deal that he rode your bike here?" I knew it was a risky question but i took a chance.

"just would have been nice if he asked my permission"

"that was all over the fact he borrowed it without asking first?" i raised an eyebrow, somehow i didn't believe that for a second

"other things too, it doesn't matter, are you hungry?" I knew he was trying to change the subject but if this meant he could stay longer and we could eat together then i was up for it. I nodded and took the ice pack away, i ran my fingers gently over where he had been punched, i moved in slowly and placed soft kisses where my fingers had been, Jack closed his eyes and took a long breath in.

"come on then" i said and gave him a warm smile before getting up and heading towards the kitchen. I got all the ingredients out for me to make my famous stir-fry, i turned on the wireless speaker and started playing Taylor Swift, helping myself to a bottle of wine and pouring it in to two glasses. I assumed Jack had gone to the bathroom and so i had no shame in singing and swaying my hips while lighting one of the hobs on the cooker ready for the frying pan.

"very nice" I jumped at the sound of Jacks voice to find he was stood in the doorway with a smirk on his face, i blushed and carried on with what i was doing.

"wine on the side for you" i mumbled, from the corner of my eye i could see he hesitated but decided to go for it,

"so what are you treating me to?"

"you sir, are the lucky winner. This is my worlds famous stir fry" he made an 'mmm' noise and i felt relieved that he didn't pick up on my 'sir' comment. We both drank more of some wine, after hardly eating anything all day i knew it was going to go straight to my head. The next song was Sex on Fire, all memories of when we first met came flooding back,this was the song that we had danced to. I blushed and carried on stirring the food in the pan, i heard Jack put his glass down on the side and then i felt his hands on my hips, his body was pressed against my back and i could feel him breathing on my neck, i tilted my head and rested it on his shoulder, i gently pushed my butt in to him more and he pulled against my hips. He guided me to the kitchen side just to the right of the cooker and turned me around to face him, our bodies were still as close as they could possibly be, we both looked in to eachothers eyes, i tried to lean in and kiss him but he moved away and smirked, shaking his head. I knew I probably wouldn't get far but I tried it anyway, I ran my hands up to the top of his shirt and started pulling his tie down, our eyes never lost contact. He lifted me up and sat me on the side, my legs found their way around his hips and I carefully started undoing the buttons on his shirt, he leaned in and gave my bottom lip a soft kiss before pressing his hard to mine, it took me no time at all to return the kisses, his tongue was begging for access and I granted it immediately, my fingers were undoing his shirt buttons as fast as they could go, I ran my hands up his chest and over his shoulders to try and remove it, his hands were travelling up my thighs and a soft moan escaped my lips. Eventually we both pulled away for air.  "Shit, the food!" I yelled and jumped off the side quickly seeing to my stir fry, I finish it off and turn to look at him, his shirt is still off and he's watching me, his eyes look all soft and for once not full of regret, "woah hello tattoo" I said eying up Jacks half sleeve, I walked over to him and started tracing my fingers over the lines, I heard him breathe out which told me he was relaxed. I studied them carefully, Adam? Who's Adam? I opened my mouth to ask but he cut me off,

"This looks about done, do you fancy serving it up while I uh..get dressed?"

We ate dinner together on the sofa, refusing to eat where we had only a few hours ago caught Zoe and Max together. I was so confused about what happened in the kitchen while we were cooking, how we had been, and how he hadn't jumped away and left immediately. We finished our food and put our plates on the coffee table,

"Thank you very much, that was lovely, and I'm honoured to have been able to experience your world famous stir fry" I giggled at him being silly. We sat together in the quiet, it was getting dark by now and we hadn't put any lights on, I'm not sure where Zoe got to as I'm not sure if we heard her leave, I took a chance and rested my head on his shoulder, I brought my knees up to my chest and closed my eyes

"Jack?...who's Adam?"

"My brother"

"Oh...nice... I saw his name on your tattoo and I just wond-"

"Yeah" jack cut me off, "I think I should make a move, this has been a long day and it's probably not wise for me to stay longer" jack got up from the couch and took the plates in to the kitchen, I sighed,

"So that's that again then" I walked out in to the hallway and waited for him at the door, he slowly came out and put his shoes on.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then"

"Mhm, bye" I said looking at the floor, he nodded and walked out the door, I bit my lip, my heart was already aching for him, I slowly closed the door but it wouldn't, there was a shoe? I frown and open it, jack pushed it open, walked in and slammed it shut behind him, "what?" I ask, he doesn't answer, in stead he picks me up with my legs round his waist and backs me up to the wall, our lips are devouring each other's, I tighten my legs around him and wrap my arms around his neck, his hands are massaging my butt under my school skirt, my hands run through his hair and I tug it gently, I hear a moan at the back of his throat before he carries me in to my bedroom, he shuts the door with his foot and walks over to the bed, our tongues are dancing together, I feel my moist centre begging for him.
Jack lays me down on the bed and crawls on top of me, he lowers his body on to mine and I feel his hard member poking in to my thigh, his hand running up my other thigh and slowly hitching my skirt up, my hands are on his shirt buttons yet again, I throw it on the floor and run my hand down his hard chest and over his chiselled abs, he shivers slightly on top of me before undoing my shirt buttons, exposing my breasts, he pushes himself up and looks at them, licking his lips, I stare right back at him and pull him closer to me so our lips are locked again, his hand runs up my body and he fills it with my breast, he moans again and my hands are fumbling with his belt and the button on the top of his trousers, I use my feet to push them down and he presses his hips in towards me. My brain starts overthinking, my heart starts pumping really hard and I can feel myself getting sweaty and clammy, he's kissing me hard and starts grinding against me,  "jack" I whisper, pulling away from his lips, he moves them down to my neck and starts kissing down it, "jack" I repeat, I want him off me, he goes down further, his hand running up the inside of my thigh and starts pulling my tights down, I try and wriggle up the bed, "please" I whisper, my eyes fill with tears, he's kissing down in between my breasts and his hand moves to my underwear and starts teasing it down, "wait, please, jack please stop" his head shoots up and his hand stops,

"Hey hey hey!" His eyes are filled with concern and he crawls up to my face, I manage to roll over and up to my pillows, I curl up in a ball and I can't hold the tears back any longer, I start sobbing, covering my face with my hands, "oh god please" Jack crawls up next to me, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close, "shhhh please, shhhh" he rocks me and kisses the top of my head, the tears don't stop coming but my breathing has managed to slow down to a fairly normal pace, "grace I'm so sorry" his voice cracks, I lean back and shake my head,

"No no please don't be sorry, it wasn't that, it wasn't you, I promise" I hug him back and bury my face in his chest.

"Then what is it?" He whispers, I shake my head and he squeezes me tighter.

In Love With Mr. Green [student/teacher relationship]Where stories live. Discover now