Chapter 4

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"and I'm not the one who seduces my students in their bedroom" I said quietly, smirking, 'shut me up again Jack, please?' I thought to myself.  He rested his hand gently on my cheek and whispered back

"don't be so fucking irresistible then"

A knock at the front door pulled us both apart, I heard Zoe open it and accept food from the delivery guy,

"food's here" she called.  Jack looked at me,

"we can't, okay?"

"what? we can't what? Because it seems like there's nothing that can be done anyway" I respond bluntly,

"I wouldn't risk my job for nothing"

"I'm nothing.  You have risked your job.  I'm not going to tell anyone, but you can't just kiss me like that and tell me that nothing will ever come from it"

"well what do you want to come from it?"

"just go" I whisper, he shakes his head and I sigh, "well I don't know, just not this, I don't want to be strung along like some stupid fucking puppet, someone you can make out with when you feel like it but immediately after be like 'yeah I can't do this sorry' " I snap, he looks at me surprised

"I'm not just 'dropping' you, you're my student" he backs away

"we knew this yesterday but that hasn't seemed to stop anything" where am I getting this attitude from? I feel like I'm so angry at the fact I can't have him that it's winding me up to take it out on him

"well it should" he raises his voice

"stop it then"

"what am I supposed to stop?"

"this! just stop being here stop being!" my heart starts pounding, I don't have anything left to say without sounding like a love-struck teenager, he steps up close to me and it makes me catch my breath, I don't know where to look

"me?" he asks quietly, "it's all been me?" I can't say anything and so just nod my head, he's right up close in front of me now, I can feel him breathing, "I don't think it's all me Grace, like I said, you're the student that seduced me, the teacher, in the classroom.  That wasn't me" he says in a low husky voice, I squirm a little, what I would do to just pounce on him right now... "Grace, I'm a man who get's what I want" this all suddenly took a turn, first he was caring, and then couldn't keep his hands off of me, and now he's some sexy Greek god that knows this is all wrong but he's trying to make me want to..i don't know, I take a long blink and look at him again, "and if I want you, then I want to have you" I'm staring at him with big wide eyes, he steps away and clears his throat, "see, that time it was me" he winks at me with a smirk on his face and walks out to the living room to join the others for food.  I'm left leaning against the wall, my heart pounding and my belly tight. I hear him and Max laughing at something to do with the food, I finally move away from the wall when Zoe comes running in, her face says 'tell me everything' and without saying anything, we both sit on the bed and I tell her about what just happened.

"Grace! you can't do this! You could both get in such trouble for this!" Zoe stood up, here comes the lecture, i curled up on my bed and listened to her, it was everything i already knew, but it wasn't sinking in and deep down i was wishing that i would fall asleep and Jack would come back in and sleep next to me, and we would wake up in the morning together, kiss each other and then i would go and make breakfast for us both before we start the day...start the teacher and student. I sighed and closed my eyes, i could hear Zoe's talk become a whisper, "bitch" she muttered. Zoe stood up, kissed my forehead, turned my lamp off and left the room.  Zoe, my step in mother, i knew she had my best interest at heart.

In Love With Mr. Green [student/teacher relationship]Where stories live. Discover now