Chapter 11

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I froze and felt him tense up behind me.


"what?" he asked, playing stupid.  I rolled over and looked at him,

"I....I love you too" I whispered, I felt my eyes tear up, what if he didn't mean it? Jack crashed his lips to mine and I felt the tears stream down my face.

I tapped gently on the door before letting myself in, Jack was on the phone in his office again and I hated how stressed it made him.  I walked in slowly with fresh pancakes I had just made.  I set them down on his desk in front of him and went to walk away when I felt him grab my wrist and pull me down on to his lap so I sat across it.

"I've got another call, we'll sort this later" and with that he hung up the phone before squeezing me tight and then began cutting in to his pancakes. "mmmm thank you, these look and smell amazing" he finished is mouthful and then looked at me, "you look and smell amazing" he smirked, kissing the back of my hand" I blushed and looked down, I was wearing his shirt that came down to mid thigh, my hair was a mess and I'd just shoved it in a bun and we'd had sex about a thousand times in one night.  I laughed and shook my head at him before resting it on his shoulder

"I don't like it when you're stressed" I mumble

"I don't either, but it has to be done" he took the final bite of his pancake

"so, it's sunday, what do you want to do?" I ask and sit back up to look at him, he looked at my body and rested his palm on my thigh,


"Jack" I laugh, "No more, not yet anyway, my legs can't stop shaking when I stand and I'm sore" I trail off, I can't help but feel excited over the thought of us doing it again

"well you shouldn't be so appetising" his mouth moves up to my ear and he starts kissing down my neck, nibbling gently at some spots

"mmmmm" I sigh and close my eyes, letting him.  His hand travels further up my thigh until he reaches my centre

"Grace!" He looks at me surprised when he feels I have no underwear on, I smile and press my lips to his before standing up and walking to the door,

"i'll let you finish your work" I wink and leave the room.

In Love With Mr. Green [student/teacher relationship]Where stories live. Discover now