Chapter 16

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It was finally the last class, Physics, the lesson I've been dreading all day.  Jack had called in sick, I knew that he was staying home to look in to what happened last week and to figure out who it was.  No one had got any closer.

"so do you think you can make it out with us tonight?" Poppy linked her arm with mine as we walked to our class,

"oh i don't know" i sighed, "i have some things i need to take care of"

"boooooring" she sung.  We separated in to our classes and i took my usual seat.  The lesson dragged on, i hated being in this class without Jack, he made this class actually enjoyable.

The bell rang and everyone left their tables as fast as possible.  I packed my things up slowly and dragged myself out of the class, as i got to the door i heard a quick knock,

"oh..." my eyes snapped up, Nicole?! I stared at her, my mouth open slightly, she smirked at my response, "you're....a student" she raised an eyebrow,

"no i was just leaving" i say bluntly and push past her, i speed walk down the hallway and round the corner, once i get out of sight i lean against the wall with my heart beating at 50 million beats a minute.  I took a deep breath and hurried out of the school towards the exit of the grounds.

"Grace!" I heard my name being called, i looked in the direction of the voice and saw Jason leaning up against his car, i frowned and walked over,

"..Jason? What...What are you doing here?" i looked around to see if Jack was here, "is everything okay?"

"Oh yeah everything's fine, Jack asked me if i could take you home from school to make sure you got back safe" he smiled and opened my door for me, i got in and buckled up.  Jason got in the drivers side and pulled out of the carpark, i saw Poppy waiting to cross the road in front of us and we made eye contact, a smile spread across her face and she patted Ben's arm, i gave an awkward wave and smile, 

"great" i sighed

"something wrong?" 

"oh nothing, i think my friend might think we're dating" I looked out at him from the corner of my eye and he let out a laugh,


"she...doesn't know about Jack and I...but knows i'm with someone.." i trail off, does Jason know i'm Jack's student?  I jump at the noise of Jason's phones notification noise coming through the speaker,

"read message" he says to the car

"you have one new message from 'Jack'.  'Come now' "  The car replies, Jason steps on the accelerator and the car zooms down the road,

"wh-whats going on?" i ask, my heart pounding, Jason doesn't reply but i can see he's tense and concentrating.

We pull up at Jacks after what felt like the longest car journey even though it was a lot faster than it should have been.  Jason got out the car and i jumped out straight away, he runs to the main door and scanned a card against the scanner, the doors revealed the same elevator as in the carpark,

"you stay behind me, got it? If i tell you to stay put, you stay put.  Do you have a phone?" Jason fixed his shirt and the elevator doors closed behind us, 


"get 999 ready...i'm not saying anything will be wrong but we need to be safe.  Here's my phone, if i tap my foot twice, you press the number 1 and call, volume down, when someone answers, press any button three times and then hang up" Jason said sternly, handing me his phone, i nodded quickly and tucked myself behind him, "when we get to the door, i want you to stand where the potted plants are so you're out of view until i tell you to move" i nodded again and watched him pull his gun out from under his jacket, i gasped, he had that there the whole time?! He turned his head a little and smirked at me, we reached the floor and he pointed where he wanted me to stand, to the side of the door against the wall, he slowly tried the door handle and put his gun through the small gap,

In Love With Mr. Green [student/teacher relationship]Where stories live. Discover now