Chapter 7

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After the seventh time of trying to phone Zoe I give up.  I grab a champagne from the bar on the deck and walk down on to the grass with everyone else, I look around for Jack but can't seem to find him,

"hey" I hear from behind me, I spin around and I'm greeted by a tall brunette, very skinny, very posh and fake perfect looking, all greased in to a tight black and white dressed that looked like she should be in an office rather than at a wedding,

"Hi" I say with a smile

"I'm Nicole, I suppose Jack has already told you about me" she shakes my hand and gives it a little squeeze

"no, he hasn't.  I'm Grace" I return the fake smile and then take sip of my champagne

"Right" her face looks like it's about to crack, why don't I like this woman? "well this is different for Jack" she looks me up and down, "bringing a girl to a family event like this, he's always been a man of only wanting one thing but I suppose he'll put the effort in if he has to" oh, this is why,

"sorry?" I ask bluntly

"I'm sure you know Jack's reputation, no need for me to go in to detail at his family party, is there?" her eyes gave me a piercing look

"I'm sure" I flashed her a smile to act like I wasn't bothered

"so how did you and Jack meet? a club?"

"through friends"

"oh friends? Which friend?"

"Max" I stepped back slightly, this woman wanted something and I'm sure what I wanted to give her, isn't what she wanted.

"Ah Max, Jack still hasn't grown out of it then" she laughed and sipped her champagne, her fake manicured hand was clutching the glass, "he will never learn, I won't be here every time he drops his flings" she sighs and looks at me with a smile, "but maybe you're different" I glare at her,

"maybe" I give her another fake smile and she slowly turns around and walks away, Jack is coming towards me, I can see the concern on his face from here, I watch her hand reach out and touch his chest as he walks past, she says something to him but he just ignores her and comes straight for me.

"you okay"

"yep" I snap, I put my glass on a table that's outside and walk away towards some seats that have been set up.  I feel Jacks hand on my lower back as he tries to keep up with me but I step away from it, he grabs my hand and I spin round to face him,

"what has she said"

"what do you think she's said?" I hiss, he rolls his eyes

"come with me" he keeps hold of my hand and takes me in to the house, we go upstairs and in to one of the bedrooms, he closes the door behind us and takes my other hand, pulling me close, once I'm in front of him he gently tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear and looks me in the eyes, "tell me"

"never pegged you as such a player" I look at the floor

"I was. I grew out of it"

"she asked where we met, assuming it was a club which just so happened to be true.  She knows your friends, she knows what you're apparently like, oh and she knows once you're done with me, your 'fling', you'll go running back to her" I can feel myself getting angry but I don't want to make a fool of myself, we're not together, we have no chance of being together

"you're not a fling" he says softly

"no, I know I'm not.  I'm just your pretend date for a day until you decide you don't want to see me again because of how wrong everything seems to be"

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