chapter 10

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What was I doing? This guy kidnapped me and I don't even mind the fact that his tongue is down my throat. I actually like it to be honest. He kisses me with a firey passion and I am more than willing to return it. His hand travels underneath my shirt. I should stop it now, but I don't want to. He rubs in small circles by my navel and chills start to appear all over me.

I push him off of me. I can't let it get past that no matter how much I want to. I'm not just going to give my virginity away to some crazed kidnapper with bipolar issues no matter how hot he is! I take a deep breath and so does he. He keeps staring at me with this intense look and it makes me want to kiss him again, but my logic side is telling me to not act on impulse and currently it's winning by a thread.

I am the first to break eye contact. I turn away. He must think I'm a hoe or something. I let him kiss me without even really knowing who he was. I feel ashamed and dirty. I normally don't act like this, but seeing the dire need he had to kiss me, like his life depended on it or the feeling of his rough lips pushing against mine, like it was going to be his last kiss was driving me crazy. The sad part is he's a stranger who I know nothing about.

"You shouldn't overthink it." He says in a hushed tone. I can't help it. My stepmother made me this way. I tend to be very cautious and considering the situation i was just in with him ,I wasn't cautious enough.

"Overthink what exactly? I mean I did just kiss you and you did kidnap me." I reply turning back around to face him. I see his face soften for a second broke it turns cold and gives me a glare that could cut through glass.

"Can you not play the Pity card right now. That gets annoying." He states. I just stand there with my mouth open. One minute he is hot and the next he is cold.

"I'll just have gt escort you back to your room. I was going to let you look at the library I have, but after that display with the dish, I don't think that is very smart of me." He says whIle he walks away like he didn't just kiss the living daylights out of me. Of course I'm confined back to my awaiting cell. The song locked up by akon automatically pops into my head, but I ignore it.


I'm in my bed lying awake and thinking about the kiss I shared with him. I touch my lips with my fingers. My lips still oddly tingle from the memory of his lips against mine. Is this wrong? I barley know him, but what I know of him should scare me away, but it doesn't. It does the exact opposite. I'm a moth to his flame. I find him intriguing and interesting, but I also find him a asshole. I don't understand what I'm still doing alive right now. If he's not going to kill me why does he have me?

These questions burn through my mind. He seems to think I get everything I want. He was so quick to stereotype me without even knowing me. That's the one thing I can't stand about people. They think we are perfect and have no problems, oh the irony. I hear banging from the other rooms. I quickly and quietly tip toe to the door and lean against it. I can barley make out any voices. I hear him and some girl laughing. Next thing I know is I hear moaning. I back away from the door. I run back and get in my bed. Maybe he'll go to his room with her. He doesn't, Instead he slams her body against the wall by my head.

Now the sounds are crystal clear. Her moaning and him grunting. I put the pillow over my head. It seems to get louder and she's basically screaming now with thuds following in a rhythm. I take a deep breath. This is going to be a long night.


I awake to Maria standing over me and I jump with a start.

"Dios mío,te he asustado. I'm sorry to wake you, but mr. S would like to speak with you"she says with a small smile.

I don't understand why he would. Gt isn't at the door. Has he stopped escorting me? I walk down the hallway slowly not wanting to speak with him. When it opens to the main foyer I see him casually sitting on the couch in nothing but sweats and a v neck shirt. I can't help, but think about what I heard last night. I blush because it was embarrassing. Why would he have sex in the wall that was by my head? Why not just go to his room? He wanted me to hear him, that's why. I'm not that naive.

"You wanted to see me." I say trying to keep my voice even. He clicks the remote off.

"Yea, I'd like to apologize for the way I that treated  you yesterday." he says calmly.

"It doesn't matter how you treat me anyway, I am held captive."I say sarcastically.

"Why must you do that? I was trying to be nice. Foreget it, just come join me in watching movies." He says while patting the couch beside him. I want to say no, but I know it's better not to try and argue. So I decided to swallow my pride. I move to the couch on the other side of him. I would rather sit over by myself. When he sees this he smirks.

"I have an event that is taking place tonight. You are going to be in your best behaviour and you will be my escort." He states.

"Yea, no I'll pass. I haven't been feeling well." I lie.

"Pardon? I don't think it was a question. You're going." He replies.

"And if I don't?" I ask.

"You'll regret it. I see you like to play games, tesero. I must warn you, I don't play by the rules." He says his eyes darkening. Was that Italian? Why is he Italian and he has a Spanish maid? I'm confused. That must be where his accent comes from.

"Ok, Alfredo I'll go." I say reluctantly.

"You need to clean up. You look tired." He states. Is he serious? Sorry not all of us can wake up perfect everyday look he does. And maybe I look tired but that's probably because his late night escapade he had with the woman.

"Charming. I probably look tired because I didn't get no sleep last night because somebody was being loud." I say.

"Oh you heard. Where you listening?". He asks.

"No." I blush.

"I think you did curious piccolo gattino." He says to me.

"I think you put your ear to the door and listened to me and secretly wished it was you, no?" He says while smirking. He gets up from the couch and comes to sit next to me. He rubs his hand up and down my thigh.

"I think you wish it was you that I was touching and making you scream my name. I know I wished it was you. I can only imagine the little noises you would make for me." He says huskily in my ear. He's making me feel hot all over.

"No." I say shakingly.

"Tell me. I know you want me. I can basically taste how wet you are from here." He says.

"Stop, please. I don't want to talk about this" I plead. I can't let him talk to me like this. I don't know what to do or how to act, but everything he says is right. I do wish it was me and I do want him. It's just very embarrassing to talk about this.

"Why are you embarrassed. It's only natural. Embrace it." He says bitting my ear.

"I can't. You don't understand." I whisper.

"You're a virgin aren't you?"he asks. I just blush. That was crude. I get up and walk away not wanting to basque in embarrassment. It's not his business anyway.

"You don't get to ask personal questions. I don't even know you and for the last time, you kidnapped me." I say as I walk away mortified.

Kidnapped By The Tattooed Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now