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~ Changsub log in~

~ Hyunsik log in~

~ Ilhoon log in~

~ Peniel log in ~

Changsub : So... All of you are here, right??

Hyunsik.   : What do you mean by all?

Ilhoon.      : We are a seven member boy group, hyung. Not 5...duh

Changsub : Aist... Whatever. I'm referring to you guys... Duuuhh.... Dummy.

Hyunsik.   : If you have nothing important to say... I'm leaving..

Peniel.       : Yeah.... Me too.

Hyunsik.   : You're stealing my dating time, hyung.

Peniel.       : You're dating now?? Why didn't I know anything about this???!!

Ilhoon.      : The heck Peniel!! XD You still can't read him?? He is dating the music. I pity him,  but if that what he live for... We better let him go on.

Hyunsik.    : Yah Jung Ilhoon!!!

Peniel.       : Okay. Okay. Now I get it XD

Ilhoon.      : Jung to the Ill to the Hoon to the Jjang!!! Say what??!!

Peniel.       : ....

~Hyunsik log out~

Changsub : How dare you logged out clumsy-smiler!!!

Ilhoon.      : Sungjae-aahhhh.... These guys are ignoring meee....

Peniel.      : Changsub?? I'm sleepy.. Zzzzzzz

Ilhoon.     : Yook Sungjae ...... Sungjae-ahhhhh..... I miss yooouuu..
~ Hyunsik log in~

Hyunsik.  : ㅠㅠ

Peniel.      : What make you come back Hyunsik-ah???

Hyunsik.   : Changsub's killing glare...

Changsub : I just want to tell you guys something. They said it's not good to keep trouble inside... So I will let this trouble go,  by sharing my problem with you guys.

Peniel.      : Don't tell me you're goin' to trouble us 😒😒

Ilhoon.      : Sunggjjjaaaaeeee-aaahhhh!!!!!

Changsub : This problem really bother me... Please lend me your eyes guys.... TT

Hyunsik.   : Just tell us what is it about already!!!!

Changsub : At first I envy Eunkwang hyung. But now... I envy Minhyuk hyung too. How do I get rid of this feeling???

Hyunsik.   : Lol.  Why are you getting jealous of them all of a sudden?? I can't understand you, hyung.

Peniel.       : Green with envy. Or was it Green in envy??

Ilhoon.      : Sungjae.........

Changsub : What are you talking about Peniel???

Hyunsik.   : Oh lord!!  Ilhoon,  please stopped it . It's so irritating.. Grrrrrr,

Ilhoon.      : Finally, someone realise me *puppy eyes*

Peniel.      : Nothing important. Just tryin' to recall my last English class.... Around 10 years ago..

Hyunsik.   : Solve this concern of Changsub hyung fast so I can continue dating my love, guys!!!

Ilhoon.      : If it's regarding hairstyle... Just go on with your life hyung. Be thankful that you still have hairs... Unlike someone we know :3

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