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Sungjae: Donggeun said you're searching for me??

Minhyuk: You call him by his name now?

Sungjae: Nope. But since he wasn't here, why can't I? :3

Minhyuk: Have I told you how savage you are?

Sungjae: Yeah, in the group chatroom before!

Minhyuk: I won't take my words back, you know XD

Sungjae: Me too! About you being a GRANDPA in BTOB!!

Minhyuk: Can we stop that? Seriously, I'm getting annoyed ;€

Sungjae: Say the one who start this fight :3

Minhyuk: Okay, it's my fault. Let's stop.


Minhyuk: Why can I hear your voice from here 0.o

Sungjae: Because we are in ONE ROOM for goodness sake!! Hyung!!!

Minhyuk: Ahhh, I forgot that we have a group schedule today XD

Sungjae: The signs getting severe...

Minhyuk: I'm warning you!! Please stop right there

Sungjae: Someone is triggered!

Minhyuk: Sungjae-ah, can we talk in a serious manner first??

Sungjae: Never have I been this serious =_=

Minhyuk: *FACEPALM

Sungjae: Huh,,, I will try but I won't promise :)

Minhyuk: That sound better though it wasn't assuring enough ...

Sungjae: Go on~

Minhyuk: Hmm, how do I start?.

Sungjae: Why are you hesitating; which is so unlike you.

Minhyuk: Because I'm clueless and helpless ㅠㅠㅠ

Sungjae: Relationship problem??

Minhyuk: That's the only thing you're good at according to Donggeun :3

Sungjae: I'm not just 'good', but I'm a 'PROFESSIONAL' in this area :)

Minhyuk: What makes you so confident of that??

Sungjae: I'd solve some of my closest friends relationship problem with a success! I don't see how that isn't convincing enough for you to just put your trust on me ○.○

Minhyuk: I will try to trust you...

Sungjae: You don't have to try, dude. Just do it!

Minhyuk: What if you are just talking nonsense? How could I possibly trust that, huh?

Sungjae: If that girl knows about this, you'll be too embarrassed to face her on your upcoming date... poor you, hyung...

Minhyuk: Knows about what?

Sungjae: The youngest member of your group gives you advice on relationship when you have a same age friend along at all times.

Minhyuk: She wouldn't know if you didn't tell her!

Sungjae: Is she the girl from before??

Minhyuk: What do you mean?? Which girl?!

Sungjae: The one that you call every night and leave you crying when she didn't answered?

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