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~Peniel logged in~

~Peniel invites Melo~

Oh my God :Melo

What is this :Melo

Why am I here?! :Melo

Peniel: Chill down

Peniel: No pressure

Who are you?:Melo

Peniel: You don't know me?

Am I supposed to know you? :Melo

Peniel: I'm Peniel Shin

Of BTOB? : Melo

Peniel : Owhh, this is easier than I expected. Yes, I'm Peniel of BTOB

Are you sure you're like, the real Peniel. I wouldn't forgive you if you're not

Peniel: Tell me how should I convince you, otherwise you won't stop freaking out, will you?

How on Earth could you be real! My whole life I'd just seen him over my screen. Or better, on the sheets of BTOB'S album. How am I supposed to take this all in if you're real. You know what, Peniel had never even realize of my existence, not even on the bird's app though I mentioned him everyday. Now stop fooling around like you're doing some sort of games - coz I'm not interested to play. At all!

Peniel: Done ranting

Am I a joke to you? :Melo

Peniel: Impossible

I'd just gone through the worst day of my life. Can you just go away if there's nothing serious for us to discuss about. I'm not in the mood to chat with a stranger, let alone one who say he's my idol

Peniel: Should I go all the way to your house for you to actually trust me

If you're real, what kind of business do you have with me for you to even chat me privately

Peniel: I have something to say

Just say it then :Melo

Peniel: But a little bit of me feel annoy when you aren't trusting me enough

You are? Good to know :Melo

Peniel: Will you let me to explain this first?

Will you shut off if I say no? :Melo

Peniel: Are you always this grumpy

: Melo
PENIEL SHIN of BTOB isn't known to be this nosy

Peniel: You sound cool on twitter

: Melo
Oh yeah? So? Wanna be my moots now?

Peniel: First, I'm really Peniel Shin, a member of the group you called as your dream saviour. BTOB's Chicago boy, the cutie baldie who you wish to marry and have three beautiful daughter with.

: Melo
Okay, hold on. Are you stalking me too?

Peniel: If by means reading your timeline is so called stalking, then I'm sure there's more of us that are lock in jail now. It's not like you'd never scroll through someone's timeline before, right? Especially mine ㅇ-ㅇ

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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