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~YOU log in~

~BTOB log in~

YOU : Answer my phone oppa...

CS : Good morning my pretty girl...how are you today??

YOU : Please....

CS : Minji....are you okay??

EK : I just finish taking my shower. Woah.... I feel so fresh now XD

EK : What happened our lovely girl??

MH : Yah...Ilhoon..Sungjae!!! Wake up now. You promise me to make the breakfast right!!

MH : Hi there!! Good morning!!

YOU : Where's donggeunie, oppadeul??

CS : He is there in his room.... I think.. Minji, wanna come over to our house tomorrow. Lets watch some movie together.

YOU : Huhu ㅠㅠ .... Why donggeun oppa did this to me?? Don't he love me anymore??

MH : Hmmm....does both of you quarrel over some issue?

EK : Donggeun didn't tell us anything about this. Are you okay Minji??

MH : Of course he still love you. Stop thinking weird thought okay...

YOU : But... he had been ignoring me for one week. When I call...he never pick up his phone.. When I message him...he seenzoned me. What did I ever do wrong to him??

IH : *yawn

IH : You guys are so loud since early in the morning...btw... good morning everyone!! RISE AND SHINE!!

SJ : Ilhoon hyung....palli!! we have to go to the supermarket now.


IH : Supermarket?? For what??

SJ : Aist... you're such a pobo hyung. I'll go over to your room now.

IH : Don't come in you brat!!

YOU : Donggeun oppa... tell me what I did wrong. Scold me as much as you want...but please don't ignore me. It really break my heart into pieces to see you being so cold towards me..

EK : Donggeunie!! Calm yourself please...

MH : Let's stay out of this chatroom for this moment, Kwang-ah.

CS : Yah donggeun!! If you make her cry... I'm gonna make you suffer too.

DG : Get out of my way you bastard!!

EK : Who are you referring to Donggeun??

DG : It's none of your business Eunkwang!!!

MH : Eunkwang-ah... let's go out to the park. Let them solve this problem among themself...

YOU : What's happening to you Donggeun oppa?? Why did you suddenly this way??

EK : Okay...I'll be back kids.

~EK log out~

~MH log out~

CS : HEY BRAT!! Did you just call me bastard? Be careful of your words while I'm still calmed!!

DG : Hey Minji!! All this happen because of you!!

DG : Changsub, I'm not scared of you. XD

YOU : Let's meet up somewhere and solve this issue oppa. I really don't understand what you're trying to say now.

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