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~BTOB logged in~

Changsub: We are here!!!!

Eunkwang: Kyyaaaa!!! I'm so excited ><

Minhyuk: Even our maknae line aren't squealing the way you guys did 0.o this is so embarrassing ₩.₩

Hyunsik: They are so out of control -,-#

Minhyuk: I know =_=

Ilhoon: Guys, I saw Changsub hyung running to God's know where.

Peniel: Eunkwang hyung is gone too!!

Sungjae: Out of radar??

Peniel: Nope. Still in my radar coverage XD

Sungjae: That means he isn't far :)

Peniel: So?? What should I do?

Sungjae: Let him be...

Minhyuk: Just watch him from afar..

Peniel: Is that gonna be alright? I mean, we are BTOB, dude!

Sungjae: So what if we are BTOB? O.0

Peniel: Born to Beagle.

Sungjae: We are Born to Beat!!

Peniel: *facepalm

Minhyuk: Sungjae-ah... Melodies call us that :)

Sungjae: Why had I never knew about this... #_#

Peniel: Because you are the one who always skip negative comments XD

Sungjae: I don't want them to affect my mood. That's all :3

Hyunsik: Guys. Sorry to bug in but the two are really out of radar now...

Minhyuk: I just hope that they will be fine.

Hyunsik: What if they got trapped in any rides?

Peniel: They will need to just enjoy that ride till the door open :3

Hyunsik: Damn you, Peniel :3

Peniel: You're welcome xP

Sungjae: So, guys!! We are just gonna enjoy our time here, right?

Minhyuk: Yeah (?)

Sungjae: Why are you hesitating??

Minhyuk: I dunno. Something feels off...

Hyunsik: So, can I go now?? The 'Merry-go-around' is calling me ♡~♡

Peniel: Heol!! Tell me who else ride that at this age?!

Hyunsik: Me!

Peniel: ...

Hyunsik: Stop acting all matured and tell me where are you planning to go now, dude.

Peniel: ROLLER COASTER of coz!

Hyunsik: I'd ride that, like 10 times ady. So boring *jeered

Peniel: Why don't you round it off to 11?

Hyunsik: Why should I?!! It will just be a waste of time to hop on the same ride each time you step here. I'm off. To my little pony world!

Peniel: Tsk, see who's showing off their 'manly' side...

Sungjae: What's so manly about that?

Peniel: *facepalm. Double meaning intended, Sungjae.

Sungjae: Ahhh... <(●.●^<)

Hyunsik: I haven't logged out yet, ya know...

Peniel: I purposely type that knowing you will read what I wrote XD

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