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~BTOB logged in~

Ilhoon: Good morning!! Rise and shine dear BTOB!!!

Sungjae: Are you really the Ilhoon we know?

Ilhoon: Up to you whether you would believe me or not... -_-

Sungjae: It just that... I thought being cheerful isn't your thing

Ilhoon: Then, according to you, what suits me more?!

Sungjae: Being GRUMPY XD

Changsub: No!! It's being LOUSY!!

Peniel: That was you...

Changsub: Me??

Peniel: The lousiest man I'd ever met in my life..

Changsub: I was not that bad!!

Sungjae: You are. It just that you never admit, and that was your biggest concern.

Minhyuk: Ehemm, what happened to the cheerful morning we start off earlier??

Ilhoon: It's gone!!

Minhyuk: Let's bring it back

Ilhoon: How I wish I could do so..

~Eunkwang invited Aki~

Eunkwang: Here comes our main mood-maker!!!

Aki: Helllloooo!!!

Eunkwang: Guys. Greet him. Welcome him.

Aki: Is there anybody here??

Eunkwang: I promise you I heard this chatroom light up a while ago!!

Aki: But where are they now??

Eunkwang: Somewhere beyond this digital play

Aki: I felt so uninvited... :(

Eunkwang: No!! Don't be!

Aki: I'll leave if that's what you guys wish

Eunkwang: Aki!! Listen to me!!

Aki: It's too late. My heart is already broken. Let me mend it all by myself. All I need is a room to stay alone. Don't approach me!

~Aki logged out~

Sungjae: I'm back!!! The room service drop by earlier and I have a big serving of Takoyaki with me now!!

Ilhoon: I went for a walk and a kid I meet downstairs give me this!

Peniel: As if we could see what you're showing :3

Ilhoon: Tsk, can you chill a bit. The pic is still loading


((Pic is inserted up in the header. Wattpad is messing with me, I couldn't help it. Sorry guys 😣😣))

Sungjae: Wow!! What was that?!

Ilhoon: A hardcover notebook with a piece of fanart 😎

Peniel: Can I get a closer look??!
Ilhoon: No!! You'll spoil this! I won't let that happen!

Peniel: I won't!

Ilhoon: I have some 'trust issue' with you, Peniel hyung. So, NO!

Peniel: I promise you I won't cause any visible damage to it!

Ilhoon: I'm still hesitating.

Peniel: I swear I won't!

Ilhoon: Aist =,=

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