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~Sungjae invites Ilhoon~

~Sungjae invites Peniel~

~Sungjae invites Hyunsik~

Sungjae: Good morning everyone. How have you been? Wait a minute. I don't really care so let's pass that. First and foremost, I'm here to announce that I love being BTOB's leader. Everyone is listening well to what I said, especially the management. My ideas were all well considered. And most importantly, all of us are well fed despite our drought in schedule.

Ilhoon: You aren't sober, are you?

Sungjae: Hey, watch your mouth!

Ilhoon: Then what are you babbling about in this beautiful morning

Sungjae: Well, I'm saying that I love to be BTOB'S leader

Ilhoon: O-okay...

Sungjae: That's the tea

Ilhoon: Rather than typing nonsense, why don't you bring me a cup of iced rose tea with drizzles of syrup from that cute cafe near the company

Peniel: You mean Bless Roll?

Ilhoon: I don't remember it's name

Peniel: I'm positive you're talking about Bless Roll

Ilhoon: Their iced tea are the best!

Peniel: Not just that! You should try their oreo blamisu too. Gosh, it just melted in my mouth

Sungjae: Peniel hyung, aren't you on diet?

Peniel: Say who?

Sungjae: But I often saw your Insta story where you spent most of your days in the gym...

Peniel: Eat then work out. Isn't that what human are supposed to do?

Sungjae: Maybe...

Peniel: Don't judge me so hard

Ilhoon: Hey, are you saying that I'm not a human then?

Peniel: You say that yourself...

Ilhoon: I did some work out too.. sometimes

Sungjae: You're just getting work up over small matter. Chill bro

Ilhoon: Yah, you don't chill chill me!

Hyunsik: Woah, what's going on

Peniel: We are just warming up 4tob engine after a while

Hyunsik: WAIT!

Sungjae: Goodness, you startled me


Peniel: Yeah, we did

Hyunsik: And you left me out?

Peniel: What are we supposed to do when you aren't online

Ilhoon: LOL Everyone is a maniac for the cafe now

Hyunsik: They served the best Oreo ice cream ever

Peniel: Let's not forget their BPC too!

Hyunsik: Man, my stomach are gurgling at the sound of that

Sungjae: Am I the only one who couldn't relate to the topic here?

Peniel: You're missing out big thing, bro

Sungjae: Did I? And what's BPC anyway


Peniel: Banana plus cookies!

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