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~BTOB logged in~

Ilhoon : Is anyone still watching Idol Radio, perhaps?

Sungjae : Not me

Peniel : I'm busy dj-ing too... sorry

Ilhoon : I need feedbacks tho

Sungjae: Lol, this is so unlike you. What's wrong, bro?

Peniel: He's confidence droppin'

Ilhoon: I wanna make the show fun and enjoyable

Sungjae: isn't that what you'd been doing?

Ilhoon: Yeah... but I heard complains

Sungjae: You can't shut netizen

Ilhoon: That's the big deal! I can't shut them and they are filling my thought

Sungjae: Aigoo...

Peniel: You're doing good so keep it up. Stop reading hates comment, can you?

Ilhoon: It just appealed while I was scrolling my phone

Peniel: You can ignore them!

Ilhoon: I need to stop checking myself online, isn't it?

Sungjae: YES

Peniel: UH-UH

Ilhoon: Okay, I'll take your words

Peniel: Good! RungDJ fighting!

Sungjae: I miss the hyung-line

Peniel: Didn't you visit Changsub the other day?

Sungjae: I do planned, but I got something coming up, so I can't..

Changsub: I waited for you!

Sungjae: Eh, hyung?

Changsub: I even cancelled a plan with my friends

Sungjae: But it wasn't my fault

Changsub: Then is it mine?

Ilhoon: Sungjae is busy as you might know

Changsub: Am I not?

Peniel: Wait. Why are you being so grumpy?

Changsub: Grumpy? I'm not!

Peniel: Then what are we calling this?

Changsub: Anger

Sungjae: I will make time for you next week. Promise.

Changsub: I'm busy next week

Sungjae: The following week?

Changsub: Still

Sungjae: Next, next week?

Changsub: I can't fit you in my schedule, Sungjae.

Peniel: But we had set the date to meet next week? Are we postponing again?

Changsub: I can adjust my time for you, Penielll. Come. Come

Sungjae: Are you trying to get back on me?

Changsub: Ehh, why should I

Sungjae: I'm sorry, okay

Changsub: Where is Lim Hyunsik btw?

Peniel: Preparing for his HaDaBang

Ilhoon: He's going to cook

Changsub: Again??

Peniel: Isn't he going on live right now?

Ilhoon: Wait let me check

Changsub: Ahhh, I miss HaDaBang so muchh

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