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~Peniel logged in~

Peniel: I have a pen~

Peniel: I have an apple~

Peniel: Urgh!!

~Sungjae logged in~

Sungjae: Yo!

Peniel: Continue the song!

Sungjae: What song? Which song? Who's song? Song-song?? Song Joongki and Song Hyekyo?? Tell me !!!

Peniel: You really love acting drunk, don't you?

Sungjae: Only to those who drug me XD

Peniel: Wait, was that a pun?

Sungjae: It's definitely not a se-pun.. hahahahah

Peniel: I don't get that.

Sungjae: Because Dad isn't here :(

Peniel: OMG!! STOP IT YOOK SUNGJAE! This is really confusing!!

Sungjae: There's this term called 'Just play with it' :3 I expect you to know that yourself, but well...

Peniel: Tsk-

Sungjae: My brain is working really fine nowadays. I feel like a genius.

Peniel: I envy you *A LIE!

Sungjae: You are definitely the best, Donggeun!!

Peniel: Err~ o-okay...

Sungjae: Don't admire me that much :) I don't wanna swing your heart like how I did to Changsub hyung.

Peniel: No worries. I would never feel that way :)

~Eunkwang logged in~

Eunkwang: O~ sole mio~

Sungjae: No!! Not here too!!

Eunkwang: You guys should really stan SF9! I'm not kidding!! They're really good and friendly... especially my lil bro, Rowoon-ie...

Peniel: Yes~ Yes~ Now that we had heard that for almost the 100th time, kindly take a big step out. Exit is on your right^^

Eunkwang: You're asking me to walk out of my comfort zone?!

Peniel: I dunno what to reply. I mean, it's abrupt how you call us your comfort zone-

Eunkwang: You guys really are my comfort zone!

Sungjae: Sure... so now , what? You want us to hug you and cuddle?

Eunkwang: I didn't know that you are...

Sungjae: I'M NOT!

Eunkwang: Can you believe that I'm actually relieve now

Sungjae: Whatever!

~ Ilhoon logged in~

Ilhoon: I'm working on a new song, mum.

Peniel: Ehh?

Ilhoon: OH SHOOT!!

Peniel: Are you sleep walking again, Jung Ilhoon? XD

Ilhoon: I thought this is...

Peniel: Your family chatroom??

Ilhoon: I'm pretty sure that I tapped on 'Jung Fam' chatroom tho...

Peniel: No you didn't >~<

Sungjae: Maybe the word 'fam' for both group make you confused..

Ilhoon: Hmmm... maybe.

Eunkwang: You name our chatroom as 'FAM' ??!!!

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