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Ilhoon: This is Yook Sungjae!

Changsub: You're Jung Ilhoon kiddo... don't make a fuse here...

Sungjae: I'm Yook Sungjae....

Minhyuk: Yes! Yook Sungjae is Yook Sungjae!

Changsub: What??

Peniel: ...

Minhyuk: );

Hyunsik: Wow, what is going on here. I know Sungjae become so popular after he got recognised as an actor, but isn't this a bit too much, everyone?? I dont see the need to fight over 'Sungjae' title :3

Peniel: Ilhoon, stop fooling around please...

Ilhoon: No, we are not fooling around hyung.

Ilhoon: I'm typing using Ilhoon hyung phone.

Ilhoon: Because his phone when missing.

Ilhoon: No. I think I'd misplaced it....

Ilhoon: And you're not doing anything to find it :3

Ilhoon: I can't remember when did I last use it TT

Changsub: I'm getting dizzy by now.

Minhyuk: Who's who typing there????

Ilhoon: This is Jung Ilhoon *swagg

Ilhoon: And this is Sungjae!!! *dab

Hyunsik: And this is ImStar *kiraikirai

Changsub: To Hyunsik -> ㅍ ㅡ ㅍ

Hyunsik: To Changsub -> 😝😝

Peniel: You two go get a room!! Don't spam this nonsense here.

Changsub: I don't wanna live a room with him tho :3

Peniel: Like I really care XD

Changsub: Please ask me why Donggeun-ah ㅠㅠ

Peniel: I refuse to!

Changsub: Yahh!!!

Peniel: WHYY!!!

Changsub: Because I wanna stay in a room where there's you, baldy. I can freely kiss your smooth head all day long...kyaaa ♡▪♡

Peniel: Mummy 😭😭 This uncle is so weirdddd 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Hyunsik: Now you two go get a room :3

Changsub: Come to Mama baby penielll..~~

~Peniel logged out~

Hyunsik: Yeahhhh!!! Savage Peniel COMEBACK!!!!

Changsub: ㅇㅗㅇ

Ilhoon: Back to me please... WHERE'S MY ATTENTION??

Ilhoon: Do you really need those?

Ilhoon: What??

Ilhoon: Attention *_*

Ilhoon: <(^^,)> yessss.....

Changsub: ...

Eunkwang: So, lets go back on track. The problem here today is Sungjae's phone when missing, right?

Ilhoon: Its not lost! I just misplaced it!!! Didn't I say that earlier???

Eunkwang: What's the difference between those two :3

Ilhoon: Their spelling... XD


Eunkwang: Aigoo.... God, please give me strength to deal with these people.

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