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~Eunkwang logged in~

~Hyunsik logged in~

Eunkwang: I still can't get use to this emptiness

Hyunsik: You're at it again

Eunkwang: Why did all of you move out and leave me alone?

Hyunsik: We need our personal space now. We are grown up

Eunkwang: We have a room each for all the members here, but is there really a need to live in separate house?

Hyunsik: Yup

Eunkwang: I thought you would be understanding...

Hyunsik: You had over-estimate me, hyung. That's not healthy for me

Eunkwang: Who will wake you up in the morning now? It used to be me!

Hyunsik: Ohh, yeah. I haven't really thought about that

Eunkwang: Everyone knew how a deep-sleeper you are

Hyunsik: I doubt you are right

Eunkwang: There's no doubt when it comes to BTOB. I know each and everyone of you well

Hyunsik: I refuse to agree with you on that. Pay me back the money I lend you before

Eunkwang: I had never borrowed money from you!

Hyunsik: You do!

Eunkwang: No, you are lying.

Hyunsik: You told me it's for the hard disc you had been eyeing since earlier this year

Eunkwang: Yaa! I bought that with my own money

Hyunsik: Nope. That's for you to forget but me to remember. Now, pay me back

Eunkwang: How could I pay you back when I don't even remember the event

Hyunsik: Shall we go to Idol Room and solve this?

Eunkwang: Idol Room? Where was that again?

Hyunsik: *facepalm

Eunkwang: Was it the radio show I DJ-ed?

Hyunsik: That's Idol Radio for goodness sake

Eunkwang: Ehh? Did I get the name mixed up again?

Hyunsik: Shall I contact the director of Idol Radio and send him screenshot of this?

Eunkwang: Do you have his number? To be honest, I don't. Share his phone number with me please..

Hyunsik: Why would I save his number? Give me 10 reasons for doing so


10. You want to be a guest on the show
9. You want to work with him
8. You are writing a logo song for Idol Radio
7. You like his daughter (she's really a good catch, man!)
6. You are bored
5. He is your Dad's friend
4. You want to be his drinking buddy
3. You wish to learn from his experience and got inspired to write songs
2. Because I am the DJ of the programme
1. You are just taking care of your leader

Hyunsik: Ouch my eyes. What had I just read?


Hyunsik: I am speechless

Eunkwang: Most of it are right? Thanks me later

Hyunsik: I didn't mean to be rude, but none of those actually make sense.

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