Chapter Three: Max's Encounter

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After eating, we go back into the living room and Mom goes into her study. It's easy to see that Hailey still looks uncomfortable. I can only imagine what she's experienced over the years.

"Hailey, has the boy ever tried to communicate with you?" I ask.

"Not really. He's never spoken to me. Every time I've seen him he does the same thing. He reaches out toward me and opens his mouth extremely wide. Sometimes he screams and at other times, nothing, then he vanishes."

She shakes her head, "I should be used to it by now but every time I see him, it sends chills down my spine."

I nod, "I know the feeling."

Hailey stands up, "I'm sorry. I guess it's just my nerves but I feel like I need to go home."

Megan stands and hugs our new friend. "Thanks for coming over."

"No problem. I'll see you guys tomorrow," she pauses at the living room arch. "Please be careful.  This house has a long history of bad things happening here."

We walk her to the door and stand on the porch remaining silent as we watch her go inside her house.

"Are you sure you're all right sis?"

"I guess so. That little boy was the creepiest spirit I've ever seen," she shakes her head. "I wish you could've seen him."

"Well, by what Hailey said I believe I'm gonna have plenty of chances." Megan closes her eyes and I can see she's still a little shaken. "Sis it's getting late.  Let's try to get some sleep. Tomorrow we'll walk around the property and check out the old barn and the pond."

"All right, but I don't think I'll be getting much sleep tonight."

We reach the top of the stairs and walk to our rooms.

"Hey," I put my hand on her shoulder. "If you need me, I'll be right across the hall."

"I know. I'll be alright, I hope."

Glancing at the clock I see it's about 1 a.m. I'm still awake thinking about what happened to us at the old house in Kentucky.  Where was Megan and I the four hours we were missing and why was my watch off twelve hours?  We woke up in the hallway. If our friends were looking for us they should have found us.  It just doesn't make sense.

Rolling over I continue to think.  When the spirit touched us we were changed.  Raising my hands I look at them. Why us? There's just so many unanswered questions.

Megan's still awake as well. She has her covers pulled up to her neck and is very tired.  So far, nothing's happened.

Frustrated, she turns on her side away from the window.  "Ghosts or no ghosts, I've got to get some sleep."  She forces herself to close her eyes as she pulls the covers over her head.

A few minutes later I'm starting to get sleepy. As I'm dozing off, something jarred me awake. Sitting up in my bed I listen closely and I can faintly hear what sounds like a child's laughter.

Getting up quickly I open my door and look out into the hall. Slowly walking toward the stairs I look inside Megan's and Mom's rooms as I pass by and they're both asleep.

I hear the laughter again and It sounds like it's coming from downstairs. Slowly I ease down the staircase; the steps creak with each step. As I reach the bottom laughter fills the air again, this time much louder and it's coming from the kitchen.

Easing over to the doorway I feel a chill in the air and see my breath.  Peering inside I'm taken back by what I see. There's a little girl about five years old standing at the end of the room.

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