Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Visitation, Times Two...

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Megan and Jessica are already upstairs and just a few steps from Megan's door.

"Megan. Where are you?"

She stops and sighs, "Jessica, I forgot something downstairs. My door is the second on the right. I'll be right back." She turns to walk back down as Jessica continues on.

We meet about halfway, "Max, what is it? I'm trying to keep an eye on her?" She whispers.

"That's the problem. We have a visitor in your room..." We hear Jessica scream...  "Too late..."

We all rush upstairs to her open doorway and find Jessica standing just inside trembling... her hands to her mouth.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Megan asks. She continues to stare at the window... not saying a word.

Megan reaches up, touches her shoulder and she screams again. Laughing to myself I notice that she actually looks a little pale.

"Well, at least we don't have to worry about her seeing a ghost..." Megan gives me the look... I seem to be getting that a lot lately.

"I saw..." she turns back toward the window, "a little boy. He was dripping wet and had an awful smell. He... He reached out for me!"

Megan takes a deep breath and puts her arm around her. She immediately feels the same sensation she felt at school and I notice her slight reaction as she glances at me.

"I'm so sorry you found out like this," she lets go and grins. "Can you keep a secret?" Megan asks.

"Yeah... I think so," Jessica answers still shaking.

"Come on, let's go back downstairs. I think you need to sit down," Megan says and helps steady her as they walk.

We all go into the living room and after Hailey gets Jessica a bottle of water she's relaxed a little.

"Alright, could someone please tell me what's going on?" We all gaze at each other for a few seconds. I still don't trust her, but she does look genuinely scared.

"First, promise us you won't tell a soul about this, not even your brother," I say.

"I promise, please tell me..." she pleads.

"There's really no easy way to put this, so I'll just say it. That... was a ghost."

Jessica looks toward the door, "A real, live ghost..."

I chuckle, "I wouldn't say live, but yes that was a spirit."

"I heard this place was haunted from some conversations at school but I thought it was just talk."

"No, I'm afraid this is as real as it gets. I'm sure when we were talking on the phone that you could tell I was a little hesitant about you coming over. I was afraid a spirit would make an appearance," Megan shakes her head. "I guess I should've told you, but I was hoping we would get lucky and this wouldn't happen."

Jessica sits silently for a moment remembering those eyes...  "Do you know who he is?"

"His name is Joseph Blackwell," Megan replies, "and he has a twin sister named Anna."

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