Chapter Nine: Dinner and a Ghost

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After introducing Rachel to my Mom they walk toward the kitchen.  As Rachel passes the living room she glances at Megan and we all notice except Mom.

"Sis, tell me.  What's wrong?"

She looks at Hailey and seems to be hesitant to say anything... so we talk telepathically. "Max, when I shook Rachel's hand I saw flashes of the past.  None of it made any sense.  Then it suddenly stopped and I blacked out. I don't know why."

"Are you Alright now?"

"I'm a little weak, but I'm okay."

"We'll talk more about this tonight.  I don't want to upset Hailey." 

Hailey's looking back and forth at us, "Come on guys.  I know your doing it again.  Tell me what's going on."

I hold Hailey's hand, "Megan was just telling me how it felt when she blacked out."

"I'm sorry I wasn't talking where you could hear us.  It was just easier to kind of show Max what it felt like."

Hailey looks a little confused but she accepts the explanation, at least for now...

After about an hour Mom yells, "Suppers ready."

We all go into the kitchen, fix our plates and sit down.  Mom's at one end of the table and Rachel is at the other.  Hailey and I are sitting beside each other and Megan is on the other side closer to Mom. 

"Well Rachel, what do you do for a living?" Mom asks.

"I'm just a stay at home Mom I guess you could say.  My husband Greg owns his own company.  They make caskets.  There were three factories in the area for years but now there's only one.  Cuts down on the competition." She smiles, "People are just dying to get into our products."  We all look up at her.  "It's a company joke," she says.  Mom laughs, a little...

Rachel turns her attention back to Megan, "Are you feeling better my dear?  I was worried when you passed out earlier."

"Yeah I'm fine now.  It's just been a while since I ate."  They stare at one another for a moment. 

"Max, I think it's starting again." Megan closes her eyes.

"Stay calm and use your gift.  Put up a wall and try to block it."  She does and when she opens her eyes Rachel actually jumps back a little.

Mom looks concerned, "Megan, did you pass out earlier?  Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine.  As I said It's been a while since I ate."

Turning to look at Rachel I watch her lean back, sip her drink and smiles...

After dinner, we're all headed toward the living room when Rachel's cell rings. It's Greg. "Hello sweetheart. No I'm just across the street meeting our new neighbors. I'll be home in just a few. Alright," she hangs up. "I'm so sorry to have to eat and run."

"That's no problem. I'm glad to have met you, and it's nice to know that Max and Megan have a friend close by."

Rachel looks at Hailey and I, "Yes... and that reminds me. Thank you for protecting Hailey yesterday. Randy really needed to be taught a lesson.  He's bothered her long enough. I'm so glad that you stood up to him."

I get the look from Mom...

"It was no big deal," I say trying to calm her down.

"Oh yes it was.  I loved the way you punched him in the stomach knocking him down.  I confess I'm a little curious as to how you were able to knock someone the size of Randy that far back with one swing," Rachel says while watching my reaction.

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