Chapter Twenty-Three: The First Encounter and a Father's Wrath

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Hailey and I walk outside and head toward my house. Megan's already sitting on the front porch swing with Logan as we walk up the steps, and join them.

"Alright, what's the big mystery?"

"Rachel just wanted to talk to me," I grin at Hailey. "About taking care of her only daughter." Hailey smiles as I hug her.

"Max... I know it was more than that. Tell me."

"Later Sis..."

"What do you guys think about a double date tonight?" I ask.

"The fireworks show?" Logan asks.

"Yeah, I think we could use a night out. Besides," I turn to Hailey, "I think someone really wants to go."

"What about Mom? We can't just leave her here alone, especially now," Megan says.

"That's part of what Rachel wanted to talk to me about. She and Greg are going to grill out and they want Mom to join them. She can enjoy a safe evening and they can still watch the house."

"That sounds fine to me." We turn around to see Mom stepping outside onto the porch. "You kids need a distraction, and so do I for that matter."

"So, what do you say Logan?" I ask.

He turns to Megan, "I'm game if you are?"

"I'm always game with you..." She whispers. They kiss and notices Mom looking at her. "What, it was just a kiss." Mom shakes her head and grins...

Later in the evening...

Mom's already on her way across the road to Rachel's as we all get into Logan's Charger. The engine roars to life as I lean up.

"Take it easy until we're out of sight. I don't want a lecture when we get back."

"You got it Max." He backs out and eases down the road...

As we pull up to the school there's already a large crowd there and we can hear the band playing. Hailey seems very excited as we get out and head for the gates.

As we're walking I look around, "How many people come to this thing?"

"There's usually around 7 or 8 thousand people here. The show itself last only about 20 minutes, but it's usually worth it," Logan answers.

"It's nice to just get away, even if it's only for a little while."

Hailey glances at me and squeezes my hand, "Let's just keep a low profile tonight. I don't want a repeat of Loretto.  Okay?"

"Neither do I Hailey, neither do I..."

We enter the gates and slowly make our way toward the football field through the concrete tunnel under the bleachers. About halfway through we stop. In the middle of the aisle, is Randy...

We stand about five feet apart and he has two of his guys with him. I pull Hailey behind me as Logan steps forward, standing just behind me as well.

"Watch our backs guys. I really don't think he'll try anything with all these people walking by us, but we need to be ready."

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