Chapter Four: Secret's Out

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Megan and Hailey are lying on their backs, both very pale, their eyes fixed on me. I'm relieved that I caught them, but I'm also a little worried by the look on their faces.

Well, I guess my secrets out.  "Are you guys alright?" I shout. They look at each other and scramble to their feet.

Both girls are astonished and Hailey's obviously very upset. "Ha.. how did you," she pauses and looks at Megan, "And how did you?"

She's overwhelmed and starts to run toward the barn doors. As she reaches them they slam shut. Hailey pushes, kicks and beats on the old wood.  "Let me out of here!" She screams.

Megan rushes over to her.  "Please, let us explain."

She steps back from her, "Stay back!"

By this time I've climbed down from the loft and have reached the girls.  She backs away from me as well.

"You stay back too... And let me out of here!" She screams.

"Hailey please, try to calm down," I plead.

"Just let me out of this barn.  Right now!" she says as tears begin to fall.

"Hailey, please listen to me," she looks toward me still shaking. "I didn't close the doors."

As the realization of what I've said hits her she rushes into my arms. I hold her until she calms down, a little.  Turning to Megan I can tell she's still scared as well.

"Sis, take Hailey and stand back. I'll see if I can get the doors open." They take several steps back watching intently as I walk up to them. I can see the wooden plank has fallen down on the outside and the metal latch has closed. After having a good look I take a couple steps back.

As I begin to concentrate I can feel resistance, an unnatural force pushing against me. It's something I've never felt before.  With my thoughts, I push harder and the resistance suddenly gives way.  The metal latch rotates and the wooden board swings up. As I push on the doors with my thoughts they swing open easily.

The girls waste no time as they rush past me. Once we're all out, Hailey stops and turns to face Megan and I.

"Alright, it's time for some explanations. What are you two?"

"Well, if you want to know," I glance at my sister, "then you need to hear it all."

We explain everything that's happened to us from a year ago at the house in Kentucky until today. She sits down on an old wagon and stares at the ground, "Blackwell.  The real Blackwells.  I can't believe this is happening." 

Now it's Megan's turn, "Why haven't you told me?"

Hailey looks up at Megan, "You mean you didn't know he could do that?"

Megan walks over and sits down beside her. "No, I didn't."  She folds her arms and they both give me the look.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sis.  I've had this ability since that day in Kentucky. I've been practicing in secret. When that spirit touched us we were changed.  You can see and feel the presence of spirits I sometimes can't," I turn toward the barn, "and I can do this."

As I look toward the doors and the girls stand up to watch. Using my thoughts I shut the doors, the wooden plank falls and the metal latch secures them. Turning back to the girls I can still see fear in their eyes.

"This is exactly why I haven't told you," I say shaking my head. "Look, I'm still the same person I always have been sis.  Please don't be afraid of me."

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