Chapter Seventeen: The Day Before

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It's dark by the time Mom has come home.  Megan uses her car to take Logan back home and Hailey and I are still sitting on our swing.  She's been leaning against me quietly since Megan left.  "Hailey, I don't know what's going to happen.  But I'll do everything I can to.." she interrupts...

"I know Max.  I just... I still can't believe it's my Mom.  She's been nothing but kind to Dad and I all our lives," she looks straight ahead. "But she had the crystal.  I found it just like the book said, and she's been testing your abilities too."  A tear falls down her face. "I just," She shakes her head. "I don't know."

I've got to figure out what to do.  I will protect my family, but at what cost?  Will I have to actually kill the girl I love's Mother to do it.  Is there not another way?  I look across the street and see Rachel standing in the upstairs window watching us and I stare back at her. 

"Are you her?  Let me hear your thoughts..."  For a brief moment our minds seem to come together.  She senses it and tries to enter my thoughts.  I can feel her searching my memories and I realize what's happening.  "Get out of my head!"

I quickly stand up as Rachel staggers backwards from the force of my thoughts.  Hailey stands up facing me and gasps.  My eyes are blue again...

"Max, what happened?"  If I tell her, it would only hurt her. 

"I'm sorry Hailey.  I thought I saw something.  I guess I'm a little jumpy."  We put our arms around each other as I stare at Rachel, still at the window.  My eyes flash as her window cracks.  She's startled and backs up, quickly leaving the room...

Hailey looks up at me, "Max, please try to calm down.  Your eyes are still glowing..."  I close my eyes and breath deeply... my eyes fade back to normal. 

"I'm sorry Hailey."  We stand on the porch holding each other and as I look down at her I wonder how I'm going to protect everyone I love, without losing the girl I love...

Logan's house...

Megan pulls up and shuts off the car.  As they turn to each other silence falls.  Logan strokes her cheek with his knuckles causing Megan to close her eyes.

"Megan, I..."  She opens her eyes and puts a finger to his lips as they stare into each other's eyes... 

"Logan, please kiss me..."

His hands cup her face inching ever forward...  The force pulling them together is overwhelming.  The kiss starts light and sweet, but quickly rises into a dominant possession.  Megan wraps her arms around his neck pulling them as close as the front of the car will allow.  She hits her knee on the center console and pulls away while rubbing it.  Logan begins to laugh... She looks at him and slowly begins to laugh herself...

Once the laughter dies down, they stare at one another.  Logan reaches up and smoothes her hair, "I'll see you tomorrow beautiful."  They lightly share one last kiss.  He gets out of the car and Megan watches him as he goes inside.

She leans back and closes her eyes for a moment. "Wow, now that's a kiss."  The front door opens and Logan steps out looking a little confused.

"Did you just..."  Megan laughs.

"Yes, but you weren't suppose to hear that."

He shakes his head smiling, "Goodnight beautiful..."  He turns and walks back inside. 

Megan cranks the car and drives home knowing sleep will not come easily for either of them tonight.  As she drives she can't help but think of Logan. "I've finally met the man of my dreams.  But tomorrow may be the last day I get to spend with him.  The book didn't promise forever. It said, 'Together until death, they will live as one."

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